18) Nineteen Years Later

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3rd Person P.O.V- So much has happened in nineteen years. Hadrian Thomas Snape has completely reshaped the Magical Laws not only bringing back the Old Ways once again, but has created peace and unity.
Also in nineteen years the Next Generation has expanded;
Hadrian and Harmony Snape have their eldest Aspen River as well as their second oldest Eden Sparrow and then their youngest Halo Rose.
Draco and Theo Malfoy have their eldest Rowan Reki as well as their second child Idris Caden.
Blaze and Ginny Zambini have their eldest child Juno Slade as well as their second child Rocco James.
George and Pansy Weaselly have their twins Arabella Grace and Gabriella Pandora.
Fredrick and Astoria Weaselly have their twins Fiona Ray and Tori Freida.
Neville and Luna Longbottom have their eldest Juniper Star as well as their second oldest Atlas Vega and then their youngest Nova Adalyn.
Bill and Flur Weaselly have their eldest Hugo William and their second oldest Rosalie Leann.
Barty and Charlie Crouch has their only child Akasha Isla.
Percy and Jasmine Weaselly have twins Jackson James and Noah Bryn.
Dean and Ronald Thomas have twins Evelyn Dawn and Indigo Rouge."

'(Hogwarts/Second Years)

Aspen River Snape- RAVENCLAW

Rowan Reki Malfoy- SLYTHERIN

Juno Slade Zambini- SLYTHERIN

Juniper Star Longbottom- HUFFLEPUFF

Hugo William Weaselly- RAVENCLAW

Akasha Isla Crouch- SLYTHERIN

Jackson James Weaselly- GRYFFINDOR

Noah Bryn Weaselly- GRYFFINDOR'

'(Hogwarts/First Years)

Eden Sparrow Snape- RAVENCLAW

Idris Caden Malfoy- SLYTHERIN

Rocco James Zambini- SLYTHERIN

Arabella Grace Weaselly- SLYTHERIN

Gabriella Pandora Weaselly-SLYTHERIN

Fiona Ray Weaselly-SLYTHERIN

Tori Freida Weaselly- SLYTHERIN

Atlas Vega Longbottom- HUFFLEPUFF

Rosalie Leann Weaselly- RAVENCLAW

Evelyn Dawn Thomas- GRYFFINDOR

Indigo Rouge Thomas- GRYFFINDOR'

Beaumoon Manor

Harmony- Gently bouncing Halo in my hip, I walk into my mates office. "Babe..."

Hadrian- Taken to working from home more, I look up from all the files spread out in front of me. (Smiles Fondly) "My Goddess!" I take Halo from my mate and set her in my lap.

Harmony- (Sighs) "Have you seen the letter from our two eldest?"

Hadrian- (Hums) "I have, it's only the start to the new school year and already they are causing trouble."

Harmony- (Giggles) "Nothing we haven't done, I'm afraid."

Hadrian- (Smirks and Hums) "Yes..."

Harmony- "I'm quiet happy with how things have changed, everything is just so much better!"

Hadrian- "Yes it is and will continue to be." (Smiles Proudly) I look down at the young elf playing with the locket around my neck. If there is anything that I strive for it is to make this world a better place for my children and the Next Generation in general.

~Don't be afraid of 'Change'
You may lose something good
But you may gain something better!~

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