"And who is this pretty lady?" He asks with a smile on his face so unlike his usual smirk.

Saffron looks up at me, silently questioning if it's ok to talk to him. She hardly talks to people, never really feeling comfortable.

I nod my head and she turns to face him. "I'm Saffron." She extends her hand out for a handshake.

His eyes light up in amusement, taking her tiny hand in his own as he smiles. I can't help but notice he actually has a really nice smile, to bad he rarely uses it. "Well, hello Saffron, I'm Ashton."

She readjusts herself in my lap. "I know, you're Scarlett's boyfriend." She states very serious, almost proud of herself for remembering such information. I'm so going to kill the girls when this is over.

Everyone laughs at the very bold statement my sister made. I begin to die a little inside, sometimes it's hard to remember that she pays attention to the conversations we have.

The sly smirk reappears within seconds. "Is that so? I wasn't aware of the advancement of our relationship Sweetheart. Not that I have any complaints." He leans closer to me and I forget all the words I was going to say.

Somehow he still smells really good.

I recover and tug on Saffron's newly braided hair. "It's a good thing you're cute Squirt."

I glance over at the jerk. "And there is no relationship here, she misheard an earlier conversation and turned it into something it wasn't."

"Whatever you say, Sweetheart. Either way, you were talking about me." He sends me a wink, causing me to roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the game. Not wanting to admit that he was right.

The other team is in scoring position, all three of the boys on the field.

"What numbers are we watching for?" He whispers to me.

"Sterling is 23. Silver is 32. Sam is 55."

The twins picked the numbers in reverse order so they could match. In a way it showcases how they're different but the same. Sam chose 55 because it's the sum of 23 and 32. They're truly the best of friends.

The ball is snapped and the other team's quarterback runs with the ball. Sterling and Silver split different ways. One goes ahead of the kid, the other goes around the back. Sam charges from the side, locking the quarterback in place.

He's done for.

The kid runs out of play before making it to the end zone. We all cheer. The referee blows his whistle and holds up the touchdown sign.

"What the hell!" I shout before remembering where I am.

Parents eye me with looks of varying looks of distaste. Great.

I try so hard to go unnoticed at these events to ensure that I'm not the gossiped about "parent". There's always that one mom or dad that none of the others can stand. Sadly, Karen's son also plays on this team and she would love nothing more than to make me that person.

If you guessed it then yes, Karen's son, Conner, bought his spot on the team. There's a running occurrence in that family with money.

I begin to shrink into my blanket, watching as the coaches and referees argue about the call. The twins heard me and they look like they want to die of embarrassment. Well that makes three of us.

My blanket shifts and Ashton gets under it, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I tense momentarily before relaxing and shrinking into him.

"Don't do that." He whispers.

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