Desvelado- Diary 3/27/18

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I'm sitting at a Boba place that opened up not too long ago. I love it here, the boba, the fast wifi, the welcoming vibe, (not as much today) and everything here just makes me feel nice. I come here all the time, since it opened I have brought all my friends. My blood feels like its boba now from having it all the time.
I'm listening to Desvelado by Bobby Pulido and it makes me think about how in love I want to be. Its such a heart warming song. Its like Im sitting here Imagining myself dancing with the one I love. Maybe one day at a family party.
I'm Mexican btw. I don't think I've ever mentioned that. 
I've insinuated that I'm latina but never my actual nationality. 
I love being Mexican and I love my brown skin and I love living in LA where 50% of the population is Latino, though not reflected in the mainstream media. 
I can't imagine living anywhere else for a long period of time, I'm not sure how my future will look like but I want LA to be a part of it. 
The reason I bring this up is because a while ago I was playing my music a loud and its in Spanish and I noticed that the white guy working here turned up the volume to the stores music, then turned it down when we weren't playing anything. I was feeling hella microaggressed.  

Anyways to me being Mexican is a huge part of my identity. 

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