Dear fools

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Why does anyone think they're entitled to comment on my appearance. 
Don't tell me I need to smile more.
Don't tell me I look angry and especially don't ask WHY I am said emotion you have projected onto me. 
I have a naturally grumpy face so having 5 people one after another ask me why I'm angry, sad, or grumpy, isn't gonna make me happier. The more you project those emotions onto me the more it's gonna look like I am when the only emotion you're gonna achieve from me in annoyance. 
My lack of emotions isn't your cue to comment on me.
You tell me I need to smile more? How about you mind your business. 
You think I would look beautiful without my piercing? Mind your goddamn business.

The way I express myself isn't your business and above all just because you tell me to stop being angry and be more happy isn't gonna make it happen. 

This has been a PSA

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