Part 12

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"Oh my god, S/n they have been gone for hour! I'm bleeding out and all I've been doing is using toilet paper!" Y/n says into the phone. She heard her sister chuckle on the other side.

"I know. I'm sure Lin is hiding in the men's clothes waiting for Daveed to pick them up," S/n laughs. She chuckles as well. "Speaking of Daveed how are you two doing? Has he asked you out yet?"

"Oh my god, no he hasn't and never will. Besides, I'm sure Aaron ratted me out," she replies.

"Fuck him. Like Daveeds going to believe a 16 year old."

Y/n holds her stomach for a moment before slamming the phone down and rushing to the bathroom. She returns feeling much better than before.

"Sorry. I uh had to vomit," she trails off.

"It's fine. Do you think you two will even date?"

"I'm not sure honestly. He tried to kiss me once but hit his head on the cupboard."

"Hold on?! He tried to kiss you?!" Y/n smiles at the memory.

"Yeah actually. Since then I felt like he's been closer than before too."

"I'll ask Anthony and Lin, maybe they know something?"

"I'm not sure. Who knows? Daveed is pretty uh, closed off from the rest of the world."

"Yeah. Oh hey I have to go, Lins back with the goods. I'll text you later. Lover you bye!" She hangs up, leaving y/n to her thoughts.

Not that much later Daveed walked through the door with two bags in his hands.

"Ok so I didn't know which to get so I got you both Pads and Tampons. Along with some of your favorite pie and candy. Then some Midol. Oh and," he pauses and pulls out a heat pad, "a heat pad because Google said you might need one."

Y/n smiles and gets up from her seat. She grabs the bags and puts them on to the floor next to the two of them.

"What are you do-" he was cut off by Y/n's arms wrapping around his waist. She places her head on his chest, allowing her to hear his fast heart.

"Thank you. Your the best thing I could of asked for," she mumbles into his chest. He smiles as well and hugs her back.

"That's what friends are for," he replies. Daveed buries his face in her hair and mumbles into it. Unfortunately she was unable to hear anything he had said.

The couple stayed there for a while. Hugging and whispering to each other. After a few more minutes she broke free and grabbed the box of pads and tampons and went to the bathroom.

She need to feel somewhat clean.

Dumbass (Daveed X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora