Chapter Eleven

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Eleven
Rose's POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

Last night I was a mess but I tried to keep it together as much as I could for JJ. I couldn't be weak around him... He knew something was wrong though. He always knows when something is wrong with me. Last night he kept giving me hugs and kisses and wanted to cuddle in my bed. Kids are more aware than we give them credit for. We think that they don't understand things that are happening around them but they do. They pick up on vibes and energy so easily.

I couldn't stay home either. For some reason my own house was giving me anxiety. When I laid in my bed, I thought of Jayden. When I sat on my couch, I thought of Jayden. At one point I just sat in the kitchen because there was no where in the house that didn't make me think of him.

Then I remembered the time Jayden and I were fighting about the strawberry glaze. We were making a cheese cake.



The cheese cake was finally done and Jayden was currently trying to get the can of strawberry glaze from me. I was trying my best to keep it away from him by pretending to dribble the can between my legs as if it were a basketball. I'm being goofy and immature but it made him laugh and he has a great laugh. It was so deep and guttural.

"I wanna do it!" He told me trying to snatch the can out of my hand but I'm too fast for him.

He wanted to put the glaze topping on the cheesecake instead of the strawberries but I obviously wanted to do it too, thus causing this predicament we're in now.

"No, I'm doing it!" I argued.

"Rose, I wanna do it. Now give it to me!"

I just kept snatching it away every time he'd reach for it. At one point he grabbed my arm and pulled me into him but I somehow twisted my way out of his grip and laughed.

"Haha! Too quick for you huh?" I laughed loudly.

Even though he was annoyed because I wouldn't give him the damn can, he was having fun. I got the idea that watching me jump and run around the kitchen making a fool of myself was actually enjoyable to him. Instead of getting upset like he usually would've, he seemed to be genuinely laughing with me. This was a different side of him compared to what I'm used to seeing.

I like him better this way for sure. Laughing, smiling, and having fun.

"Give it to me Rose, or else."

I arched an eyebrow at him. "Give it to you huh? And if I don't? You gonna tackle me QB?"

"Or else I'll have to be rough with you, and I don't think you'll like that very much," he smirked at me mischievously. "But I might."

"All that talk..." I rolled my eyes while smirking. "You basically have all that muscle for nothing."

"Last chance," he warned.

"You want It that bad?" I teased waving the can at him. "Come and get it."

Jayden stalked towards me causing me to back away until I hit the counter. He gripped me by the waist and held me in place against the counter. I was trapped. Sandwiched between Jayden's hulking form and the counter. All of his six foot three inches towered over my measly five foot four frame. He stared down at me and my breath hitched. His eyes were always so mesmerizing. The color a mixture of blue, green and gray. His face grew serious and I could swear he could hear my heart beating like a drum in my chest. He was incredibly close, our bodies were touching. I think the only other time we've been this close was when he tripped and fell on top of me and at the beach when we shared our first hug.

Honestly, I kind of lost all trace of thought as he continued to stare down at me. For some reason it was easy to do that with him. He's hypothesizing.

His lips were amazingly plumed to perfection and slightly parted. I can tell he hadn't shaved because this beard was starting to come in again.

He has a beauty mark on the left side of his face by his nose. If you didn't look closely you'd completely miss it. In fact, I hadn't even noticed it until now.

I could feel my face heat up and I knew I was blushing, which I wasn't familiar with when it came to Jayden. That just made me wonder why, why am I blushing? It's just Jayden...

Maybe it's because he has me pined against the counter with his hands on my waist. For anyone else, this wouldn't have been a big deal but for me, it is because this is Jayden! My mortal enemy! The one person that's supposed to hate me equally and consistently as I hate him. We have a system and it works... Or I guess it used to... What changed? I knew he was growing on me but I didn't realize how much until now.

As if coming back down to earth, Jayden reached behind me. His body pressed against mine even more. I held in the gasp I so desperately wanted to let out because his body feels hard and so so good against mine. I hid the can behind my back but this time I allowed him to take it out of my hand. I didn't resist or fight back. I never once took my eyes off of him either. How could I when he looks like this?

Suddenly we heard the front door open and slam shut. Then we heard a loud, "We're home!"

We have to stop this... whatever this is... But I wasn't sure if I wanted to... Jayden hesitantly backed away from me. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding soon as my sister entered the kitchen.


I shook my head, trying to shake the memories a way. "Is there no escape from him?" I asked myself aloud.

JJ and I ended up staying at Sky's and Jason's house because I needed to get away. Mom would have a lot to say. It's no secret that she can be a bit overwhelming and I just needed time
to think.

Jason stayed at our parent's house to give me and Sky some space. Which I could appreciate. Sky and I need some girl time anyway.

Around Twelve in the morning JJ finally crashed. He was having so much fun running around Sky's house with her dog, Pickle, that he tired himself out. He would usually be in bed by eight if we were home but I let him stay up late today since we didn't make it to the park like we were supposed to. Sky had scooped him up from the couch and laid him down in her bed. She crawled in the bed next to him and laid beside him. JJ gave the best cuddles.

I smiled at them from the door way feeling so much love for my best friend and future sister in law. It's true, JJ has the best God Mother/auntie in the world.

I slept on the couch tonight. In the  dark quiet familiar house, I was left with only my thoughts.

I still couldn't believe I saw Jayden. I cannot believe that he's back...

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