I snapped out of it and saw that Emme fell. Now she's crying and I could hear her even though the doors are closed. I went in the class even though I'm not supposed to and Emme runs up to me crying so loud. She scraped her elbow a little and she's bleeding. Ugh I hate blood.

One of the teachers came up to us with towels and a first aid kit for the bandages. She started helping out by cleaning up Emmes scraped elbow. It wasn't that big of a scrape honestly but she was just really bleeding. The alcohol made it worst for Emme. She couldn't stop scream crying.

"Maybe you should take her home. We're almost done for the day. Its a short class" the teacher tells me. "Oh alright I'll do that" I said and called Sofia over. We went to the car and immediately FaceTimed jen.

"Hey" i said. "Hi..why- whose crying??" "Emme fell but don't worry we handled it all. It just still hurts her but she's crying less than a second ago"

"Is she bleeding?"

"Yeah but we covered it with a bandaid. It was not that big of a scratch. She'll be fine. I'm gonna take them for ice cream if that's okay"

"Aw. Okay. If Emme is okay with it then yes"

"Y-yea.. I want ice cream" Emme says. "Okay come straight home after" jen says. "Will doooo" i said.
Once we got home jen immediately checked on Emme and took care of her. I look at Sofia and she pouts. "Poor Emme always getting hurt from falling" she said. " I know I know" I responded and sighed. I was thinking about earlier when she ran up to me crying. That's like- that's her automatic instinct was to run up to me like I was her mom. I mean yeah jen wasn't here but first Emme wanted me to watch her dance, then she cries to me. She's getting attached to me like jen was back then with me. I cant fuck up. Jen can't fuck up in this relationship. The kids are getting attached and used to each other. It would be a disaster if things went wrong.
Jens pov

Two months later

I'm at home watching the kids since they're on vacation. I should be at work but I'm not because I haven't been feeling too good. Leah is at work though.

Its not morning sickness or whatever. Its just.. I cant even explain the feeling. Its like no feeling but there is. I don't know. I just thought it was best for me not to go to work and leah agreed. She wants to make sure I'm safe at home resting. I'm just two months months pregnant. My belly grew a little. It gets me more excited but I still have a lot of time till I actually give birth.

I have a doctors appointment scheduled after Leah gets off work so she could come with me. I guess the girls could come too. I mean they have to. Whose gonna watch them?

The whole day we stayed home. My cravings were kicking in so much. I ate three times more than I usually do. More of snacks though. I took a nap too.
Then I woke up when Leah got home. She brought us food because I was too lazy to cook and I was hungry again.

I stood my lazy ass up out of the couch but then I got a huge cramp.

"Everything alright??" Leah asks me and walks over to me. "Y-yeah. Just a cramp" I said. It really hurt though. I walked it off.

We sat at the dining table and ate. Leah sat by me just Incase. She's so caring I love it. She had her hand at my thigh rubbing slowly it while eating with her other hand making sure I felt comfortable.
"Fudge" i whispered and looked down and held my stomach. "What??" "Cramps. I'm fine! Just expect me complaining a lot" "Okay.."

"Mommy is the baby gonna be born today?"

"No silly! I'm just going for an ultra sound"

"What's that?" Sofia asks.

"To check on the baby"

"Ohh Okay"
I look at Leah and pout. "If you need anything let me know" she tells me. "Okay. Thank you" I responded back and kiss her cheek a couple of times.
"eewww!!" Emme squeals and laughs and Sofia laughed with her. "Hey shes gonna be my wife sooner or later. Get used to it" i joker. "Jennifer!" "I'm joking! Sheesh" I said and sat back properly.

On our way to the doctors I started getting more cramps. Its never been in this much pain. Not even with Emme but cramps should be normal. At least I'm going to the doctor now to see if everything it alright. Leah keeps worrying though. I keep telling her I'm okay but she doesn't believe me.

We got to my doctors and sat at the waiting room. I had Emme sit on Leahs lap since I was in pain I didn't want anyone on my lap. A few minutes later they finally called my name so we all went to the room. The doctor started everything already and checked on the baby but he wasn't saying anything. He just kept looking at the monitor moving the device around my stomach. I look at Leah and made a face at her. Then she made a face back at me and it made me giggle. Then the doctor looked at me so I looked at him.

"Hmm.." he mumbles and i furrow my brows. "Everything looks good right?" I asked. He takes a few seconds till he answers. Long seconds. "We're not getting any fetal heart beat here" he pauses and kept checking. I looked at Leah and she looked more worried than me while the kids looked so calm playing on their iPads. I bit my cheek at looked back at the doctor. "So what does that mean?.." I ask him. "You may have to come back for another checkup next week. This doesn't mean anything for sure. We could find out for sure next week." He said and I got sad and mad. He started to explain everything else to us that we needed to know for a couple of minutes and went through everything else he had to go through for my checkup.

"Okay. Thank you doctor" I said as we finished a few minutes after and then left. Leah held my hand tight all the way through the parking garage to the car. I wanted to cry. She knows I'm trying not to cry. We don't know for sure but this is the same shit I dealt with, with my ex..but I wasn't abused this time. I don't know what's happening. I really want this baby and I wanna have it with Leah being my girlfriend. This is too much. He explained the cramps to me and it might be a part of it because I shouldn't be cramping this much but I've heard from other moms that it's been this bad before but everything was fine with the baby. I really hope everything's okay..I've dealt with too much and I'm too happy and excited in life now, I dont want to find out that I can't have this baby..

The Nice Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें