🌺Chapter Twenty Five🌺

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"This is the story of how I unbroken your heart,and then we were happy, until one day I forgot about you forever. -breakup formula"

Serene's PO💕

It is 8 a.m. Sunday morning. I am sitting under our tree alone again. He told me he would come. For hours, I tried to convince myself that he must be busy or overslept. I called him. I called him 23 times. It all went to voicemail. Has he forgotten? That is the possibility I least want to consider. So I fed myself a lie. That he will come. But deep inside, I know he won't. He is no longer bound to me. He has a life. A love life Which I have always been deprived from. The great thing is that today it is not raining. It's ten now. The sun is burning my skin. People are looking at me like a freak show. And I am still waiting for him to come. I saw a car pulling in front of the park. It wasn't Caleb's car. A boy with brown hair wearing a varsity jacket came. I rolled my eyes. Great. Just whom I expected. Not. "So is it like your thing or what? To have a sunbath here in this deserted park every Sunday?" he asked me. I ignored him. He came and sat beside me. His hair was disheveled. Like he was running against the wind. His chocolate eyes were piercing through me. He came closer. I stepped away from him out of instinct. He kept looking at me and said, "Or are you waiting. Waiting for someone to come who used to come here every Sunday." "Who are you? Stop prying in my life. Its none of your business whom I meet or whom I don't. And you know what you are wrong. Everything you said about me is wrong. I am not strong. I am not just a girl whose heart is broken. I don't have a heart to begin with. So stop solving me. I am not a problem to solve. Don't come near me. Don't try to fix me. In the end you will get destroyed. And you will never even get to know what hit you. Because I tried fixing someone. I ripped my heart out and gave it to them. And see what that lead me to. I am sitting here alone crying my eyes out and talking to you. In the process of fixing I got myself shattered in pieces. So don't say anything about me. Because you don't know me. Stay away from me." I yelled. Wiping the tears from my eyes. I started crying more. He pulled me into his arms. I didn't resist. I didn't have the energy to So I clutched his shirt in my hand and cried over and over again. Just like that, hope found me exactly where love had left me—in the arms of the sunrise, gathering broken pieces of my heart under the tree we first promised to be forever. After a few minutes, he picked me up, bridal style, in his arms. I was tired. I didn't say anything. We drove in silence. In between, somewhere, I fell asleep. When I woke up, the unfamiliarity of the room scared me. The room was painted all black. The furniture was not much. A study table and a small rack for books. The bed cover is black, as is the cushion. For a minute, I considered that I was in hell. But then I laughed at my silly thought. "You have woken up?" I saw Kaden with a mug of coffee in his hands. He gave it to me. I took him and thanked him. "What am I doing here? "I asked. "You fell asleep in my car. Since I didn't know where you live, I drove you to my house." "Don't your parents will say anything?" "They would have, considering both of them are dead," he said. I widen my eyes." I am so sorry. I didn't know." He chuckled. "Relax, I barely remember them. I was two at that time. So a friend of theirs adopted me. You know I told you about my mom, who is a sheriff. She is their friend. She is rarely home." I nodded. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah, sure". He said. "How did you figure out so much about me when you barely knew me?" he smiled. "You see, I am an observer. I observe things that aren't obvious to the eye. I read people." I didn't say anything. "What time is it?" "It's seven in the evening. You must be hungry. Come on, get up. We will eat something on your way to home." "I slept that long. You should have woke me up," "I said while getting up. "You look tired. Beside, you are kind of cute when you sleep." "Were you Edward culling me?" I asked, grinning. He looked at me. And a smile spread through his face. "No, I didn't." "You so did." "Didn't." "Did." "Fine, maybe a little. But then your snoring broke my concentration. "He smirked. "I don't snore." I said defensively, "Do." "Don't." "Do." "Don't." We kept quiet for a moment and burst out laughing. It's been a long time since I laughed, and it felt good. He pointed towards my laughing face and said, "There?" "What there?" I asked him, touching my face to remove what it was. "The most beautiful thing I have ever seen is your laugh." I stopped laughing. "That's cheesy". I said, smirking. "Can't help it. Got a reputation to hold. I am the sexy beast. I have to live up to expectations". He said. I smirked, and we headed to Starbucks. We ate, and around 9, he left me home. I waved him goodbye and turned around to see Caleb at my door. "Where the hell were you? I tried calling so many times. And who was he?" I rolled my eyes. "I could ask you the same thing." His gaze softened." I am so sorry. It got completely out of my mind. I just had a late night talk with Juliet and I go-" "It's okay, Caleb, you don't have to explain me. I am fine. I just caught up with an old friend." I lied. He nodded. "So hey, we can still go to the carnival tomorrow?" "Ya, Kaden is taking me there. You go with Jules." I lied again.I smiled. "Oh, yeah. So we are good. We can talk now too, you know." "Now is not a good idea. I am tired. And you should get back to her" "OK, you are right. So see you tomorrow." "Yeah, sure bye." He stood there for a moment. Maybe he was thinking of hugging me. But I can't risk that. So I left him at the door and went inside. For the first time in these weeks, I didn't cry to sleep."

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