🌺Chapter Sixteen🌺

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"Nothing is more beautiful than the smile that has gone through tears. -Demi Lovato

💕Serene's POV💕

He was sitting in his usual seat. I approached him. He had this smirk on his sexy face that was making it harder for me not to look at him. Why does he have to be so hot? It's not fair. "You again? Don't you get tired of annoying me?" He asked in a playful manner. "I can't help it. Annoying you is my favorite hobby," I said, smiling. "Jeez, it hurts, angel. And I thought I was something more than just a hobby," he said in a fake hurting tone. "Cut it, Caleb. I want to talk to you about something," I said while sitting in front of him. "Okay, enlighten me, my angel." I rolled my eyes. "The thing is, I want you to sit with us at the popular table," I said, giving him my puppy eyes. "No," he immediately answered. There go my puppy eyes. It's harder than it looks, I guess. "Why not?" "Because I said so." "Please, I really want you to mix with my friends. It matters to me a lot. You don't have to like them or talk to them. Just sit with us. Sit with me. Please." "No" "Please" "No" "Pretty please." He looked at me. He was smirking. "Only on one condition," he said. "Okay, what is it?" "If you hung out with me this Friday." Oh my freaking god. Did he just ask me out on a date? I know it will happen one day. Friendship is the key to love. One step closer. "Of course that's what friends are for. I definitely will." He grinned. "Great, I will pick you up at 7 then." I smiled. "Perfect." I practically dragged him from his table to ours. He is so stubborn. When I reached my table, every eye was on us. Not only my table but the whole cafeteria. Even the lunch lady. He was behind me. His face showed no emotion. He was blank as usual. "Guys, this is Caleb. He is my friend. I hope you show him as much respect as you show others in the group," I said with a neutral expression. I love my friends, but I also know that they judge people, which is not good. I know. They are just not good at welcoming people who are more in the category of outcasts. "Yeah, sure, don't worry, sir. Hi, I am Stacy," she said, giving him a smile. He nodded in response. Typical Caleb. Jake snorted. "Jeez, typical Stacy. Always following boys," Jake said. "Shut up, Jake. Stacy, don't mind him. He is a jerk anyway. Well, I am Mikee. And finally, we get to meet the infamous Caleb who stole Sienna's attention," Mikee said while forwarding her hand for a shake. He shook her hand. "Yeah, I never knew that I stole something," he said with a smirk. I blushed. Zach came by her side and held her waist. Marking his territory," Zach said, "Typical boys, and she is my girl." "Relax man, no problems," he replied calmly. "Oh my gosh. Your voice is so sexy. I never knew that they delivered dueling packages. Sexy body with sexy voice," Mary said while practically shoving me aside and clinging to him. I rolled my eyes. Stacy laughed. "Honey, let him complete the introduction first." She is my savior. I guess. She gave me a knowing look. Like she understands. Of course she does. Les made a disgusting face and went back to her seat. What's her problem? Jake, Flynn, and Asher introduced themselves. I looked around for Juliet. She wasn't at the table. "Where is Jules? " "She is coming. She is on her way. I got busy with Xavier," Jake said. Then, all of a sudden, I heard Jules. She was on the phone. Looking down. And she straight-up bumped into Caleb. He caught her before she fell. She has her eyes closed. Maybe in fear of falling. He was looking intensely at her. She opened her eyes, and their eyes locked. My heart ached suddenly. I never felt this way. Never in my life. I was feeling like every cell in my body was on fire. Like something was breaking. I shouldn't feel like this. She is Juliet. My best friend. Mike squeezed my hand. I looked at her. She had a sad smile. They straightened up. "Juliet, this is Caleb. My friend," I said, hiding my sadness. She looked at him. And he gave her a nod. The whole lunch was filled with jokes and laughter. Caleb was comfortable here. He was sitting beside me. We share our food together. My friends were good to him. They welcomed him happily. At the end of lunch, the boys even convinced him to do basketball tryouts. I was happy they got along. But the way Juliet and Caleb were glancing at each other, I am starting to doubt my own decision to mix my two worlds together. Maybe this is all in my head. Maybe. Get your mind straight and serene. You should trust them. They are two important people in your life. They won't hurt you. Besides, Juliet loves Xavier. She is not the kind of girl to cheat. I find it really silly to even consider them together. Like that will happen ever. When the classes got over. We headed to our house. Before that, we decided to meet up at Andrea's cafe at 7. Caleb said he would pick me up. I agreed. He even dropped me off at my home. Before entering my house. I stopped and looked behind me; he was still standing on the porch. I hugged him. This was my real home. His arms. He hugged me back. We stood there for a moment. He bent down and whispered in my ear, " Thank you," and then kissed my forehead. Life couldn't have been any better. This is all I ever wanted."

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