✏Letter to Caleb#4✏

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For the first time in forever, I felt all the unbreakable knots of my life's burdens come undone. Mystery used to taunt me with its threat, but now it seems to have faded in the wind. Like a speck of dust in the wind, my worries are none-Cinderelliot.

Dear Caleb

So, finally, I get to see you. Although I have seen you the entire time. I still can't figure out how that happened. You were so close, baby. You have always been near me all these years. How ironic? I searched everywhere but forgot to search in my own city and my own school. Guess, I never thought I would be finding you here. I guess I am sort of happy. That you are no stranger. I am relieved that you trust me. Only me. And I will keep that trust of yours in my heart. I am sorry. I am sorry that I didn't tell you the truth. Because I can't lose you. I hope you will understand the fear of losing the only thing that keeps you sane. You. You, Caleb, keep me sane in this insane world. Just like I am your heaven in this burning hell, Together, we will make our world beautiful. I don't expect anything. I don't want anything. Just you. Only you. Caleb. People live their lives bound by what they accept as true and correct. That's how they define 'reality'. But what does it mean to be correct or true? Merely a vague concept... Their reality may all be a mirage. Can I consider their reality to be true? Can I consider the monster, the grey-eyed monster, as my dark prince who has this magical power to heal this broken girl? Can I surrender myself to something that can either make me, mend me, or completely shatter my weakly held, already broken self into fine pieces? Can I? Yes, I can. Because I love you. I love this gray-eyed monster who is my dark prince.

And I always will.

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