🌺Chapter Nine🌺

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twice to find someone not just strong enough to earn it,deserve it, and match it, but brave enough to accept it.

💕Serene's POV💕

I remember very clearly that it was Stacy's birthday party last year when I got this drunk. It was bad not only for me but for everyone. That day, after getting drunk, I don't know how I landed up in the toilet. Unconscious. Surrounded by my own puke. Yep, I am that disgusting. Eventually Mikee and Jules found me. But the thing is that the memory of that night's whereabouts is still a blur to me, and now I am hell-bent on figuring out what actually happened today. How did I come back home with so much alcohol running through my blood? And only one person can answer my questions. Caleb Somerhalder: Today was kind of boring. I slept through the whole day. It was 2 in the afternoon when I was doing some school work when my brother barged in. I was beyond pissed now. As soon as he came, he started going through my stuff. "What do you want, Matt? Stop going through my stuff. Don't you have better things to do, loser?" I said. "Relax, pig, I am bored. Let's go to Starbucks. Come on, hurry up," he said while sitting on the bed. "No. I am not going anywhere. It's 2 in the afternoon. Go to your girl instead. She will keep you entertained," I said, wiggling my eye brow. He rolled his eyes. "She is not my girlfriend, pig, just a friend, that's it." "Ya, okay, whatever you say," I said. "Are you coming or not?" He asked again. I gave up and got changed into a crop top and high-waisted shorts. After what feels like a million years, we talked about anything and everything. We did have our siblings moments. We annoy each other, but deep down, we do care for each other. On our way back, I decided that I would visit Mikee's house. Matt dropped me at her house. Everybody was there already. I hugged them all. "Where were you? I was searching for you like a maniac. You didn't even inform any of us. Thank god, Xavier called us and told us that you were in your home safely." Mikee yelled at me. "I am sorry. Guys, I was too buzzed to notice what was happening. I just didn't know how I got home. I thought one of you brought me home." I didn't tell them about Caleb. I know they would have taken it the wrong way. "But how the hell, and more importantly, who took you home if none of us did?" Stacy chirped in. "Let's drop it. What's important is she is safe and good. So let's forget about that. And be careful next time," Juliet said. "Ya, come on, she is a big girl. We don't have to babysit her all the time." Mary said these, and every head snapped towards her. Mikee told her to shut up. It's OK; I guess she is right. I am not a kid. The air became awkward after that, so Stacy decided to order some pizza. We started watching The Vampire Diaries. When the pizza came, Stacy got up to open the door and kept us entertained by flirting with the delivery boy. He even gave her his number. Which she eventually threw in the dustbin. This girl. We ate. We watched. We talked a lot. At last, everything was sorted between me and Mary. I asked Jules to give me a ride. It was already seven. She agreed, and I sat in the car. "Who got you home that night, Sy? she asked with a low tone. I know she will eventually sense what's wrong. She knows a lot about me. I guess that's why she has always had the upper hand. I sigh. I told her everything. Including my kiss with Casper. Drinking the whole bar. Meeting Caleb. I think that he is in my subconscious. Falling from the bench. He was holding me. That's it; after that, I can't remember anything. I told her that I realized it was him at the party when Jake confirmed it. She was quiet for a minute. Like she always does to analyze things. "I have never seen him in any party. Why this one?"" she asked. I shook my head. "I don't know." "Maybe he was the one who bought you home. It could have happened," she said. "Maybe I will ask to have him on Monday." She nodded. I got out of the car. I waved her goodbye. I went to my room and changed into pajamas and a tank top. I opened my phone to find misdials from Casper. I totally forgot about him. I called him. "Hello, princess, I am so sorry." "It's okay, Casper, you don't have to beat yourself. In fact, I am sorry for giving you the lead. I love you but not in that way. I do care for you a lot. But I don't have that feeling for you. I am sorry." "Okay," "I am sorry" "There isn't even any possibility in the future." "No, I just don't love you. I don't know about the future but right now I don't. I need you to move on from something we never were." He hanged up. I am really sorry for him. I wish I would have loved him. Life would have been a lot simpler. He is charming, handsome, and well-mannered. He has every trait to become a good boyfriend. Still, I couldn't love him. Instead, I fell into a shadow. Knowing pretty well that meeting him is as possible as finding a stone in the ocean. Life is so unfair. I have everything. Yet I have nothing.

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