🌺 Chapter Three 🌺

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It was a light that could give him redemption or cast him off into the abyss of darkness.

💕Serene's POV💕

I looked up at him. And I am awestruck. I never felt such a thing. He seems so familiar. I have known him for my entire life. Yet so unfamiliar. Everything around him is so black. How come I have never noticed him? He has this thick, slightly long jet black hair. He is, I think, 6 feet tall. His body build is average. Not that muscular or too lean. Just perfect. He is wearing a black button-up shirt whose sleeves are rolled up and black jeans. He has this chiseled, sharp jaw that is, I think, a prominent feature of his face.

But that is not what caught my attention. Well, who am I kidding? Everything about this boy is attention-worthy. I am hypnotized by his eyes. The moment he looked up at me. I stiffened. His eyes cast a spell on me. He has these gray eyes that are drowning me, and yet I don't want him to break his spell. He must have gotten awkward because of my stupid staring, so he moved past me to sit at the corner back seat. I mentally slapped myself for scaring him. Way to go, loser. I turned toward Stacy. "Hey, do you know who that guy in the black shirt is? I never saw him around. Is he a new student or what?" I said while pointing toward him. She laughed. "Si, are you serious? He has been going to school with us for like two years. Are you even in this world or not?" I shook my head. "But Stacy, how come I never seen him before? Two years is a lot if we consider." "Yeah, but trust me, babe, I have an eye on everyone. And well, it's not your fault. He is a loner. Nobody knows him anyway. He doesn't even have one single friend. Rumor has it that he killed someone. And he is into drugs too. Nobody has ever seen him outside the school ever. Apparently he lives with his mother." I am suddenly more intrigued by him now. There is some mysterious force that is strongly pulling me towards him to fall inside his soul. Although I know I am not ready to be in such depth. But still, every fiber of my body wants to fall into his darkness and his depth until I find my own light. The bell rang, interrupting my thoughts. I got up and glanced behind me when I saw it to be empty. I frowned. "Wait, Stacy, what's his name, by the way?" I asked her. She wiggled her eyebrows. "Aww, my little cow has a crush." I blushed for a moment and then regained my composure. "Crush, really, Stacy, not my field. I am just curious." She seems not too convinced. "Okay, whatever floats your boat. I think his name is Caleb Somerhalder." I don't know why I felt somewhat disappointed. But why? I reached my locker and grabbed my calculus textbook. And slammed the locker door. I gasped in surprise when I saw beautiful blue orbs staring at me. I smiled at seeing a familiar face. "Jeez, Casper, I could have a heart attack. Next time don't do that. I have a fragile and very delicate heart, just so you know." I pouted, faking my anger. He came closer until there was an airtight gap between us. At this close, I can smell his strong minty smell, which always traps me. Then he said, "Don't worry about your heart, princess. Hold it while you have it because with the blink of your eye I am going to steal it. Very soon." He backed away from me with a smirk and walked away. The bell rang, which cut me out of the haze. I ran toward the class. Fortunately, the teacher has not arrived yet. So I sat with Mikee and started gossiping. Finally, when lunch came, I was feeling hungry, literally like a wild animal. So I ate almost two peanut butter sandwiches and drank two cans of Sprite. Seriously, I do eat like a pig. But yeah, who cares? A girl's got to eat. Our table is the most popular table. We are not indifferent to anyone. Whoever wants to sit with us can. But Mary, Mikee, Stacy, and Juliet are permanent. After all, we are best friends. One for all. All for one. Besides us five, Xavier, Flynn, and Jake sit with us. And recently, the new addition includes Zach along with his jock friends, Casper, Ryan, and Asher. Casper Green is the school's football captain. He is a crazy person who can put a smile on your face even on your darkest day. He has this charm that no one can resist, not even me. It was Christmas last year when he kissed me. I kissed him back, but suddenly all I could think about was Caleb. I stopped him, and I firmly said no. He didn't seek out why. He just gave me a kiss on my temple and walked away. But that didn't stop his stubborn self. He kept on pursuing me,even now. He just doesn't give up. Asher Summer is the silent one. He does not talk to people much. He is a quarterback too. But he is like the big-time nerd. He is wise. He is a good guy, I know. Although Ryan is a jerk, And having him on the lunch table eating my best friend's face is disgusting, but still, what can I say? Casper came and sat beside me. I looked up at him only to find his deep ocean eyes staring at me. I blushed. "How was your trip to Seattle, princess?" he asked. I smiled. "Um.. It was okay. I had fun with Grandpa. It was cool." I said while playing with the hem of my shirt. A sign of my nervousness. He must have noticed this. He came closer. "Why are you getting all worked up? Is this because of the morning?" he said. I shook my head and told him to calm down; it was not his fault. Because every time I think about Seattle, it brings back my failed attempt to find him. It's like I am losing all my hope. It's like I'll never find you. My hopes are dying. Every part of me is tired of searching for him. Its futile. But still, there is something inside me that is not letting me go. I sighed and started eating my food. I suddenly thought about Caleb. I raised my head to look around the canteen. When I stopped, I focused my eyes on the corner of the cafe near the trash bin. I saw him sitting there alone with headphones over his head. He was eating an apple. I excused myself and went to his table. So that I can introduce myself. As I got closer to him, I started getting nervous. I finally had the courage to approach him. His eyes are closed. I cleared my throat. He opened his eyes, and I lost control of my body. His eyes are something that is binding as well as exploding. He raised his eyebrows like he was asking me, "Why the hell am I here?" I pulled myself together and asked. "Do you mind if I sit here?""

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