Gone again

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E: hey everyone this chapter has a major time skip in it. You (the reader) and everyone else will be 21 after the time skip. In the beginning you guys will be 16. That's all I really have to say for now Enjoy.

Soma's POV

I ate as much food as I could. Though (Y/n) hasn't eaten at all. I would've thought she'd be hungry. "You haven't even touched the food. Aren't you hungry?" I ask her. She shakes her head and puts her head on my shoulder. I smile. "I'm happy. I'm happy we get to be together." I tell her. She doesn't reply. She starts to change back to normal. Her hair turns from black (or blood red if you have black hair) to (h/c) hair. Her eyes go from red to (e/c). It doesn't matter to me she's beautiful in both forms.

She looks at her hands and then looks at me. "What did I do?" She asks scared. "You did somethings. You might of killed more than half of the people in the castle." I tell her as gently as I can. She shakes her head no as she looks at her bloody hand. She looks at them afraid. "It's ok (Y/n). You did it in self defense. Those people were hurting you and if you didn't do something you would've died." I tell her. She doesn't seem to hear or just doesn't want to reply. She just looks at herself fearfully. "Please don't look at yourself like that. I know your scared and so am I. I'm afraid your going to do something to yourself or will leave me. I know that what you did was wrong but it was for self defense! You stopped yourself before it got too out of hand! Please don't look at yourself like that. it makes me think I'm going to lose you and I don't want to lose you." I say to her truthfully. It's true I'm scared. I'm scared I'll lose her. She still looks at herself with fear. I hug her. "Don't hate yourself. Love yourself." I tell her.

She pushes me away from her and backs up. "Stay away." She says. "No! I love you to much to stay away!" I tell her. "I'm sorry." She says before running off. "NO! (Y/N)!" I yell as I chase after her. She gets on a white horse and rides away. I run after her until I know I'll never be able to catch up to her. "Why? Why did you leave?" I ask her even though I know she can't hear me. I make my way to my room. I close the door after me. I slide down the door and start sobbing. The girl I love just left me.


I'm sitting in the guzibo of the palace garden with Jenae

I'm sitting in the guzibo of the palace garden with Jenae

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(this is where they are)

It's beautiful out here but not as beautiful as Jenae. "It's been 5 years since Soma became king." Jenae says. That's right today 5 years ago Soma become king of India because his parents died from an illness and his siblings were killed by the in a kitchen fire. but that's not the only thing that happened 5 years ago. "It's also been 5 years since she left." I say. Soma hasn't been the same since She left. He's been depressed and closed off. He only talks to Sara but that's only when she brings him the work he needs to do.  He also hasn't left his room in 5 years. No ones seen him smile or be happy in those years too. "He plays her flute every night thinking it'll bring her back." Jenae says. "I know. He must miss her." I say. I soon hear a fermiller tone of a flute go through the air.

He never plays the flute in the day time unless he's thinking about her. "I have some hope that she'll come back." I say. "Really? I've given up hope. I think she's not coming back." Jenae says. "You better hope she does come back or soon we might not have a king." I tell her. Jenae looks at me. "Soma is only alive and doing work because he believes that she'll be back. but once he sees or thinks she's never coming back. He'll stop doing his work, stop eating, and start trying to kill himself. the only thing keeping him going is the thought that she's coming back. once that's gone India won't have a king. So you better hope that (Y/n) comes back soon." I explain to her and what I said was true the only thing keeping Soma going was the thought of her coming back. She better come back soon because Soma starting to lose hope that he'll ever see her again.

E: That's this chapter! it's a shorter one but I don't care I still somewhat liked it. I hope the reader comes back but if she doesn't she doesn't. Please comment we'd love to hear what you think! We hope you enjoyed!

MADE ON 3/26/18

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