Meeting him

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E: This story is being writen by me and Angelofloyalty89 I hope you all enjoy our story. oh and here's what you need to know! (h/l) = hair lenth. (h/c) = hair color (e/c) = eye color. (Y/n) = Your name.

Soma's POV

I'm walking down the street with Anji. I'm looking for something to do. the place is boring! There's nothing for me to do other than work! I hate it! So Anji and I are taking a walk. It's a nice day for it! The sky is clear! The sun is shinning! The birds are chipping! The only thing is there's hardly any people out here. which is weird since I'm in the heart of the town. usally there's tons of crowds and people trying to sell things but for some reason that's not happening today.

I'm about to turn onto a street when I hear shouting. "GYPSY!" "WITCH!" "BURN HER!" I hear. I take off running in the direction I hear the yelling coming from. I when I get there. I see a girl with (h/l) that was a beautiful (h/c) color. I couldn't see her eyes since her head was facing the ground. The girl was tied up a giant cross and the people of the town were throwing wood at the bottom to burn the poor girl. There's no way I can let her die! I may not be king but I can't just let her die!

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" I yell gaining everyone's attention. They all look at me and stop. "Why is this women tied to the cross?! Why is she to be burned?!" I ask them. A women steps forward "Boy this witch is being burned for using her evil witchcraft!" she says angrily. "Witchcraft?" I ask them shocked. I've heard Gypsies were witches but I never believed it. "What was her witchcraft? Did she kill someone?! Did she turn someone to stone?! Turned someone into a frog?!" I ask them not believing this girl was evil.

An old man points his cane at the girl. "That witch had blood on her hands and under her was a dead body! She was also speaking in a weird language! She used some sort of spell on him!" He says while waving his cane at her. I don't believe that. "Have any of you tried asking her what she was doing?" I ask and go over to her. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. can you please tell me what you where doing?" I ask her "助け" she says and I have no idea what that means. The women from before threw something at her. "Don't curse him with your witch craft!" She yells at the poor girl.

I look at the girl. Was she really cursing me? No. I don't think so. I don't remember seeing her around here before and her clothes aren't from around her. so than she must not speak our language! "You people all miss understand! This girl isn't curing us! She just can't speak our language!" I tell them. I see they don't believe me. I don't know how else to make them believe me. A little girl comes over to me and smiles. "See! I told you! She's a nice lady!" She says. I bend down to her hight. "And how was this lady a nice lady?" I ask her. "This lady gave up all her gold so that way us orphanges could eat!" She says happily. I nod. "Did this lady do anything else nice?" I ask. A small boy comes over he looks a little older than the girl. "She gave me and my family the medicine we needed to save my little sister!" He says happily.

This was all the proof I needed. I stand up and go over to the cross. I take out my dagger and cut the ropes holding this poor girl to the cross. I catch her when she fall and then turn to look at the people. "This girl is no witch! She just speaks a different langaue and she can not understand us! Yet she has a kind heart and will help those in need! This girl will not be burned!" I tell them while holding the girl. They nod and all the people leave to do what ever it is they do.

I see that the girl I'm holding has a lot of cuts and is bleeding. I know that I must get her to safety and treat her wounds. I take her back to the castle. I take her to an empty room and puts her on a soft and comfy couch. I treat her wounds and then look at her. When I do I see the most beautiful (e/c) eyes staring back at me.

Reader's POV

I watch the man that saved me from being burned at the cross treat my wound. when he looks at me I see that he has gold eyes, tan skin, and purple hair. He looks kinda cute. He then asks me something but I can't understand him. I only speak the langaue of the Gypsies. I look at him confused. He must understand that I have no idea what he's saying becuase he then points to my wounds and nods with a thumbs up then shakes his head with a thumbs down. (he's asking if the wounds hurt or not) I make a hand motion saying it's fine. He nods understanding.

I can read lips so. I can see that he asks me if I was hungry. I shake my head no. He nods. "My name is Soma what's your name?" He asks me. "(y/n)" I tell him. I don't know how well he'll understand since it's I only speak Gyspies language. I see him nod. "Do you have a place to stay?" He asks me. I make a motion saying "I stay where ever I want." He looks confused for a second then his face lights up. he tells me he's never met a gypsy before.

I get a little scared and back away from him a little. "Are you going to burn me at the cross?" I ask with my hands. He shakes his head no. I sigh in relief. I then hear someone knock on the door. Soma looks at the door and says something. A man walks in. He has blue eyes, tan skin like Soma's skin, and white hair. scared I do a back flip off the couch and stand. I'm ready to fight if this guy tries to hurt me in any way.

The man and Soma look impressed. The man says something I can't make out since he says it too fast. Soma says slow enough for me to read his lips "He says you'd make a good guard with your skills." I nod. I bow a little. "I'm sorry I thought you were a villager from before." I motion.

"It's alright I understand. also I believe this was the langaue you were speaking before the man says. I was shocked he knew the language of the gypsies! "Yes it is! You know the langauge of the gypsies?" I ask him shocked. He nods. "My childhood friend was gypsy and she tought it to me." He says. A childhood friend? I had a childhood friend who looked like him. could it be? "Anji? Is that you?" I ask him. "(y/n)?" He asks. I nod. I take out a locket and hold it out to him. "Take it. I wanted to give this to you for your birthday but you left the town before I could give it to you! Please acept it!" I tell him. I watch him take it and put it on.

I smile. I'm happy. I made a new friend and I meet my old childhood friend who I haven't seen in years. I was also able to give him the locket I wanted to give him for so long too! I'm so......Happy. just as I think that the world goes black.

E: This was the first chapter of the book! I don't know how often I'll update it! It all depends on how often me and Angelofloyalty89 are able to rp this! anyway please comment! We'd love to hear what you guys think! We hope you enjoyed!

MADE 3/12/18

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