The Killer Plan and betrayal

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E: This is interesting chapter. We have some very deadly desicions and some of them really hurts some people. Also this chapter fousos on a ship that I love and that's Death x Jenae! So I hope you enjoy!

Reader's POV

I walk with Soma to where the others are. He's also been filling me in on what's happened and somethings that I've done. I see that we reach the living room where everyone was. I'm so happy to see everyone! I've missed them all or I hope I missed my friends! "Hey guys look who I found!" Soma says happily. Anji is the first one to see me. "(Y/N)!" He yells happily. He pulls me into a big hug. I laugh and hug him back. "Anji!" I say.

We let go and Anji goes back to where he was before. "How did you get here?" Death asks me. "I don't know." I tell her. "You don't know?" She asks confused. "I remember nothing from when I was taken. The last thing I remember is heading to Prince Soma's study." I explain to her. "What ever you say." She says harshly. She doesn't look like she trusts me but I don't blame her. Soma told me that I put a deadly bug into Jenae. I know from what he's told me is that She's in love with Jenae. I'd hate the person that put something deadly into my crush as well. I go over to her. "Soma told me what "I" did to Jenae. I took the bug out of her so she's safe I promise. will you please forgive me?" I ask her. Death nods. "Alright. I forgive you but if you hurt Jenae again I will not forgive you ever again!" She says. "Don't worry I won't." I tell her. I'd never hurt any of my friends or not if I can help it anyway.

Death's POV

Soma told us about the deal to get (Y/n) back. I don't want to over throw his parents. They aren't the best king and queen but still they don't desverve to get over thrown. "Any ideas?" Soma asks us. "I say we kill them!" Nana says. "I agree." Anji says. The others nod. "I like the idea but how do we kill them? my parents get guarded by soldiers every second of everyday!" Soma says. "Death could take them out so we can kill the king and queen." Anji says. "WOAH! who says I'm helping?!" I say to them. "They're the one's who started this fight!" Grace says. "Yea! They've been hunting (Y/n)'s kind for years!" Nana says trying to convince me to help. "I know that! We've been releasing all the gypies that get caught but I'm not helping you!" I tell them. "The one time I need to to hurt/kill someone you won't do it." Soma says.

"Death they even put a bounty on Jenae!" Nana says while showing me a poster of Jenae with a 33,000 gold reward. This makes me mad. "How dare they! How dare they try and hurt Jenae!" I say. "It was during one of Soma's birthdays. She was joking around with him when his parents insulted Jenae's father. Jenae threatened him after that." Grace explains. I get even angrier hearing this. I see Anji whisper something to Nana and Grace but I can't hear what he's saying. "Thier the ones who caused Jenae's mother's death." Grace says to me truthfully. THEY WHAT?! how dare they! I look at them seriously. "Then what the hell are we standing around here! Let's go kill them!" I say. "We'll leave at once." Soma says. we nod.

I then I get a bad feeling. I look outside and see Jenae's house is gone. My heart drops. "oh no. Jenae's gone! She must of heard us! Heard me!" I say. She'll hate me! Jenae hates anything to do with hurting others. "She'll have gone off to warn them. We'll need to get going now!" Anji says. We all nod and goes to our horses.

TIMES SKIP and Jenae's POV

I made it to the palace but the others have beat me. I know they haven't killed the king and queen. I go to the king and queen stright away. when I get to them. I bow to them. "I know I wasn't the kindest but I have something I'd like to warn you about." I tell them. "And what would that be?" The queen asks me. "Your son wishes to kill both of you." I tell them. "And why would he do that?" The quen asks. "Because they don't feel like what you've been doing to the gypies." I tell her. "I see well he won't have time to kill us. we'll make sure of it." She says. "Your job is to keep anyone else who is in this plan busy." She says. I nod. "You may leave now." She says. I nod and leave. When I close the door. I close my eyes. I know I betrayed my friends. out of the cornor of my eye I see a shadow. I follow it and see Death. Nana is huging her. From what I can tell Death seems upset with something and Nana is trying her best to calm her down but it isn't working.

E: Jenae betreayed Death and the others. I hope they do became friends again! but until them I hope you enjoyed TwilightsBlood's and my newest chapter. please comment and tell us what you think.

MADE ON 3/23/18

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