friends and going missing

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E: Hey everyone this is the fourth chapter yay! anyway in this chapter you'll be meeting one of Angelofloyalty89 OCs. Her name is Grace. You'll also be meeting my OC her name is Death. I'd put a pitcure of what she looks like up but she looks like me so I don't really want to. (l/f/f) = least favorite flower (f/f) = favorite flower

Soma's POV

I walk back in the room after asking a friend of mine to get some fruit. I see (Y/n) smiling to herself which is kinda cute to be honset. I walk over to her and sit back in my chair. "I asked a friend of mine to get some fruit. so the food will be here soon." I tell her she nods. we don't say anything or motion anything to each other problly because we don't know what to talk about. about a minute later I hear someone knock at the door. "Oh that must be Grace with the fruit!" I say smiling. "Come in!" I tell her.

A girl with white with red eyes comes in carrying a tray of a bunch of fruits. She brings the try over to me and puts it on a small table in the room.

 She brings the try over to me and puts it on a small table in the room

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Grace then looks up and me. "Here are the fruits you wanted my prince." She says. I sigh. "Grace we're friends! I've told you many times please call me Soma." I tell her lightly. She nods. "my apologies my So-" she stops in mid sentence and stares at (Y/n) "(Y/n)?" She asks. (Y/n) looks confused then she smiles brightly and goes over and hugs Grace. Grace hugs her back and is smiling too.

"You two know each other?" I ask them. They both nod. "How did you two met?" I ask them. "I met (Y/n) here when she got stuck in a bear trap." Grace says while messing up (y/n)'s (h/c) hair. (y/n) pouts cutely when Grace does that. I laugh a little at how cute they're being. "I'm glad you where able to help her out but what was a bear trap doing out there?" I ask Grace. "Oh it's be-" She's interrupted by (Y/n) puting her hand over Grace's mouth. (Y/n) shakes her head no. This worries me. "Because what?" I ask worried. "That's in the past. there's nothing to worry about now." Grace says.

"Alright but if somethings wrong then please let me know and I'll help in any way I can." I tell them. (Y/n) then comes over and hugs me! I'm shocked! I gently hug her back. She nuzzles me. I blush like crazy. "Soma what flowers are here? only (f/f) and (l/f/f)." I tell grace. "No!" she says. Grace then opens a window and throws (l/l/f) out the window. after she did that (y/n) blinks then lets go of me. She runs out the door.

"No (Y/n)!" I say and start going after her. Grace stops me. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask her. "No Gypsies all were crused with different weaknesses. her weakness is (l/f/f). They make her mind fuzzy and she'll do anything and I mean anything she's told when she's like that." Grace explains. I nod understanding. "I'll make sure no (l/f/f) is around her while she stays here." I say.


I'm bored out of my mind! (Y/n)'s with Anji to complete her leasons on how to speak our language. So I'm all alone! I sigh. Suddenly the door slams open! I jump surpised. I look and see Grace standing there out of breathe. "MY prince! I'm looking for (Y/n) have you seen her?" She asks worried. "She's with Anji. he's teaching her how to speak our language." I tell her. "No she's not! I check with Anji! Her leason endded an hour ago!" She tells me. I look at her. "So you mean you can't find her?!" I ask her. She nods. "I can't find (Y/n) anywhere." She says panicked. Crap! I can't call the guards because Gypsies have something to do with witchcraft and my parents banned anything to do with witchcraft! wait there might be one guard that can help. "Grace. There might be a guard who can help us search for her. Her name is Death you most likey have heard of her she is the most feared guard out of everyone here." I tell her. Grace nods and leaves the room. I get up and leave the place ready to try and find my sweet (y/n)!


I sit down. I searched all over! Anji and Grace came back hours ago saying they found nothing. I sigh and begin to worry even more! I then hear the door slam open again and Grace comes in. "We found something! Death intarragated someone who said they say a Gypsy and she found out that someone had started to fancy (Y/n) so they kidnapped her and took her to England so they could have her!" Grace says. I'm beyond angry how dare someone kidnap (Y/n)?! I look at Grace. "Then I guess I'm going to England!" I say. Grace gasps and shakes her head no. "No but you can't! It's too dangerous! I don't wany anything to happen to you!" She says. "Than you're coming with me! Get Death and Anji! They'll be coming too." I tell her. She nods. "We leave tonight. make sure they're ready becuase we leave wiether they're ready or not. We are going to get (Y/n) back before that bastard is able to do anything to her." I say. Grace nods then leaves the room.

I look at the (f/f) in a vase on my desk. "I'm coming (Y/n) and I will save you I promise."

E: looks like the next chapter will take place in england. hopefully nothing happens to the reader while Soma's not around. Oh and Death has Brown hair and Brown eyes you'll get to meet her in the next chapter! Anyway please leave a comment we'd love to hear what you think and I hope you enjoyed!

MADE ON 3/14/18

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