Chapter XIII: All About Lauren Michelle

Start from the beginning

"Does that bother you?" she focused on my worried eyes.

"Well, kind of. Not in the way that it's happened in the past but for them to show up later in the future, you know? That is if we develop into some... kind of... relationship or something," I mumbled the last part, not having enough confidence to look her in the eyes.

"Camz, Camz, Camz," she sighed, sitting down next to me again. "I'm not gonna lie..." I faced her, "I've been with some of the finest women in music." My heart sank as my face fell. "Katy Perry while writing Dark Horse, Miley while writing We Can't Stop, Bebe Rexha, Charli XCX, Duo Lingo-"

"Dua Lipa."

"Same thing. And... well, you," she smiled as if that was what I wanted to hear.

I took a deep breath, not even feeling flattered one bit. Just hurt. Those names were huge and I was just another one on the list. "So those were who you've fooled around with in this industry?"

"Just a few. Then you got a lot of other pop girls no one's heard of. I was a fuckboy, Camz, you knew this," she shook her head.

"I know but..."

"But you don't have to worry. Honestly." She moved in closer, wrapping her arm around my waist and kissing the top of my head. "I doubt they'll show back up in my life. They couldn't care less about me and I couldn't care less about them. The only woman I care about is you."

"You care?" I frowned.

"Of course I care," she chuckled. "You're my main focus."

It'd be hard to believe her words but I felt like she was actually being real. Lauren was brutally honest. She would've never said this if she didn't mean it. "But you're not just saying this to get into my pants, right?"

"Nah, I'm not like that. I would've just started doing this to get you in the mood," she leaned in to kiss me, holding my cheek. Obviously I melted into her touch. "And I'm not leaving you or kicking you out like I did in the past. You're way too important in my life for me to do that again. With what you're doing for me and my mother, I trust you more than ever before," she explained calmly and effectively, still running her hand through the back of my hair.

"I trust you too, babe," I took her hand and kissed the back of it. This was it. She had to really open up now. She just had to. "So no STDs? I wanna make sure just in case we can't stop these heated make-out sessions," I laughed.

"Nope, none. I had syphilis in the past but got that taken care of."

"Ouch," I frowned.

"And no kids. Well, at least none that I know of. I've been better at pulling out and wearing rubbers and if you're on the pill, we should be good," she nodded proudly.

Oh shit.

"No kids.... right," I falsely chuckled, feeling beads of sweat already form on my forehead.

"At least I hope not. But if there were... that'd suck that I didn't know about them," she slightly frowned. What?!?

"Wait, wait, wait, so you don't want kids or you do?" I asked in panic.

"I've never really wanted kids before since I never settled down into a relationship. At least a serious one. Plus that kid would probs be just as fucked up as me," she sighed. "But shit happens and if someone were to have my child, I'd want to at least know about it, you know?"

"So you'd be happy if some girl came up to you one day and said she had your kid? Even if you don't remember them and it's been a number of years?" That question was probably way too specific and similar to my situation but this was most likely going to come out one way or another. Why not now? We were in a good place.

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