Trust and a Forgotten Love

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One thing Roxy was wrong about were the amount of women Stef had slept with while she had been in the prison the last few years. Maybe she said it to embarrasses her in front of Lena which would not have been the case for Stef had been honest with her wife. She told her how many partners she had and that she had zero intentions of sleeping with anyone else but her.  Even when they first started their relationship the blonde had been only sleeping with one other person and that had ended for more reason then one. 

In reality it was only a handful of women she slept with and contrary to popular belief and rumors that spread around the prison Stef didn't just fuck or sleep with anyone. All her partners she had cared about, she had feelings for, of course not as strong as the ones she had for Lena but they were there. And very much existent and yes she remembered all of their names unlike Roxy who had been with so many women she lost count.  Relationships, however, were always different for the blonde especially her ones with woman, as opposed to men, and the ones in Chowchilla. Stef was known to spoil each one with affection, gifts, and her kindness.  Yes like her father told her the love she gave was her weakness and she knew it but it was who she was.

Before Cheryl there was Antoinette, Lexa and Renee. After Cheryl and before Lena there was Tula and Tula was a whole other ballgame all together which threw Stef for one giant loop. This young woman was never really her girlfriend for an extended period of time because of her age. Tula was only 24 and that was far too young for the blonde who was close to 36. Never in her book did she dare venture or sleep with anyone under 30 or even 35 for anyone younger was just far too immature and that was Roxy's territory anyway. Not hers. But for some reason that went out the window with this girl and it was a safe bet that the young woman who had gotten locked up for drug trafficking fell for the blonde, instantly.

Tula was beautiful, fair skin with very long pretty brown hair and intense blue eyes. Her smile was almost memorizing and it was safe to say she was tough in her own way. Much like Lena her heart was in the right place and she caught Stef's eye almost instantly that day in the yard.  While sitting around with the rest of the Lion's Den Roxy was handing out cards as Stef's eyes just happened to glance over at the other end of the yard seeing the young woman.  Innocently, or maybe not, she smiled wide at Stef not having any idea who she was or even what the Lion's Den was. None, and unlike every other inmate she didn't fear her. Not at all. The more this woman looked and smiled at Stef the faster her heart beat. The blonde wasn't known for being caught off guard like this and the  more Tula stared Stef  smiled back looking her body up and down.

"Hello are you here!!!" Roxy said trying to get Stef's attention by waving her hand in front of her. After getting no response or reaction  she suddenly saw what had her sister so occupied. "MMM, she's young for you. Well looks young for you."

"What?" Stef asked now turning to look at her sister.

"That girl you're looking at. The one who keeps smiling at you. I mean really smiling at you. She's young. Can't be no more then 25. I'll take her though. She's fucking cute, but she don't want me based on how she keeps staring at you honey." 

Upon hearing that Tracey and a few others girls couldn't help  but turn around and see whom had caught Stef's eyes.

"MM alot of people stare at me in here." She said shuffling her cards. "Doesn't mean shit."

"Ha! Yeah but not like that. It's ok if you like her."

"Thanks for your fucking permission." She said grabbing three candy canes out of her pocket that the prison had handed out a few days ago. "Trac go gives these to her, and be nice."

"Sure." Taking the candy from the blonde Stef could only watch from afar as the young woman happily took them and stared right back at Stef. Her smile grew again as she started to make her way over and Stef's heart raced even more.

Hard Time (Hard Time Series Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz