Bad Love

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Fights among inmates and groups were normal in prison especially at a women's one. It was more rare not to have one which some women avoided at all costs others not. In the end you needed to be able to hold your own, know how to fight for yourself and try not to get your ass kicked which was pretty much unavoidable. Most of the time even the toughest of inmates got their asked kicked but many times it was about smarts, control and who could gain power. Gaining power was one thing but maintaining it was an entire different ballgame which Cheryl was not able to do. Just as Stef predicted her level of impatience, her recklessness and need to be in control just for the hell of it was causing her demise and it always had. Always.

When Cheryl Knight first laid eyes on Stef Foster it was Cheryl who pursued her from day one for sure she found her attractive but it was more about the power. Always for her over anything and she refused to be someone's bitch in prison and wanted to make her mark. Thanks to her roomate who she literally beat to death on the first day just for the hell of it she learned a good amount about the powerful blonde and her Den and that's where her focus was. She saw her all around the prision making her trades, talking to other leaders and groups in charge, asserting herself and even having power over the guards. It turned her on and all she wanted was for Stef to fall in love with her. That would be easy, maybe it would be easy as she did what she needed. Cheryl acted and played the part inserting herself into the Den as much as she could but being careful not to let the blonde see what she was really doing. She couldn't be too obvious as she sneakily fucked up debts people owed making it seem as if those inmates were being disloyal. Of course no one knew it was her who replaced the drugs with baking soda not even the Den for she was quick to find a scapegoat one even Stef believed was the culprit. Not that the blonde trusted Cheryl for she didn't and the dark skin woman continued to flirt with her over and over even after Stef told her to fuck off more then once.

"Why are you always up in my face? Mm? Stop fucking staring at me!" Stef said grabbing Cheryl's wrists as she slammed her against the bathroom wall. 

"I'm sorry I can't help it if I'm attracted to you."

"Well I'm not attracted to you. And I'm not interested."

"Yet." Cheryl grinned as Stef stared deep into her eyes possibly getting turned on by how bold she was. She has seen her and had been watching Cheryl knowing she was tough and didn't fuck around. "Maybe I have something you need."

"You have nothing I need honey."

"Why? Too dark for you?" She asked as Stef scanned her naked body up and down one she was most certainly attracted to.


"I just wanna fuck you. Make you scream. Can't blame me now can you? I'd lick you out right her if you wanted."

"I don't. And I don't like people interfering in my shit. So unless you wanna get hurt I don't wanna see you again. Got it."

"Sure baby. But I think we could really work together. I got something you should really look into. Something stronger then what's floating around here and something that will make people beg. And I mean really beg."

"I will tell you again. I am not fucking interested. Don't come near me again or I'll rearrange your fucking face. Got it bitch?" Grabbing on the woman's wrist even tighter she pinned her against the wall as the dark skin woman was turned on even more. Stef was sexy when she was angry and threatening her as Cheryl boldy leaned in and kissed her. However, Stef pulled away and grabbed the woman's face.

"I tell you when to kiss me. Not the other way around. You don't come near me! Ever." Glaring into her dark eyes Stef wanted to fuck her but not here. No way as she slammed the wall next to her and Cheryl did not flitch one bit. 

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