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WARNING:Graphic content

Stef's heart was beating fast. It had started to beat faster from the first minute she laid eyes on Chowchilla's new inmate  Lena Adams. Since that day that the slim woman had dropped her tea bag in the hallway and bumping into Stef and her girls the blonde's feelings were growing. They were growing and no matter how hard she tried to fight them back or ignore them they were there and clear as day. Her girls noticed it, her sister and best friend from birth, Roxy, who was serving time as well noticed it, even her minions noticed it.  Everyone noticed it and knew very well Stef's heart was smitten and had not been since Cheryl.

What it was about Lena the blonde wasn't sure as she found herself daydreaming each and everyday about her. Her smile even if she rarely had seen it for she knew the woman feared her, her beautiful sensitive eyes and curly  hair she wore up so that no one would mess with it. Each and every aspect of the slim woman tugged at Stef's heart especially the night she allowed her to feel her, to touch her, to kiss her and fuck her. Stef had been the most gentle she had ever been with anyone in her life for she knew Lena was a tad fragile, she was a tad broken, she was fearful and she was unsure and conflicted. 

 The blonde new all of it and was hoping Lena would continue to come back to her room without her asking, or forcing so to say. No she didn't force Lena into her bed at all and had actually been surprised that she slept the entire night with her and a couple nights after that as well. She also had been surprised at how turned on the slim woman had been and how she clawed at her back and moaned her name over and over. Or maybe she wasn't surprised for Stef could read people well. 

Occasionally she had slipped up which her father warned her about but she was pretty sure this time she was right. She was right in the fact that Lena may possibly want her but was too afraid to admit it just yet. That was ok because the blonde could be patient and she would be as she would continue to court this sexy, shy, woman she wanted to fuck again night after night after night.

Stef was not dumb however and knew the decisions she made, the people she had to hurt at times, the control and power she needed to maintain in the prison that Lena might not agree with it. She knew that but it would be something Lena would have to accept if she wanted to be with her for Stef could not afford to budge. Not one bit and she wouldn't even if she wanted Lena to be her wife.



"You know if you actually want her to like you back maybe you shouldn't scare her half to fucking death. I mean try to be more romantic. Don't just invite her over to fuck. Give her flowers or some shit, a box of candy." Roxy said to me as we were outside getting some sun at one of the picnic tables as my girls surrounded us playing their own card came. Roxy or Roanne which she hated being called, had been my best friend since we were kids since our fathers ran in the same circles together and often came to our home to pack and disturbate. As a teeanger she had been my partner in decisions and it was no different in here. No we didn't fuck for it had never been like that with us and we were just friends and close as sisters. If I trusted anyone it was her and we both had each others backs no matter what for she had taken hits for me and I had done the same for her and always would.  Landing in jail around the same time I did she blew her parol to run this shit place with me saying it was better the living out their on her own. They didn't come more loyal than Roxy and she knew it.

"Rox I got a reputation to keep you know this shit and an image. I can't go soft for fucking love. And I'm sweet enough."

"Yeah who don't fucking know. And you keep it. You keep it real. I know this but Lena ain't Cheryl. She's not hardcore. At all. She as tame as a sheep and she ain't use to none of the shit that goes on in here and none of the shit you need to do. She don't know the rules, nothing. Based on how much you fuck she needs to be living in our section by now because she is technically your woman now. You actually too soft on her Stef."

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