Sweet Moments

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"I want to be Blanche!" Roxy said as we all sat around the TV watching, The Golden Girls. With Stef resting her head in my lap I played with her long blonde hair as Callie rested against my shoulder reading a pregnancy magazine by herself. It would take her a few days longer but her reading had grown by leaps and bounds. The exciting news that we had been keeping a secret was Callie found out two days ago that she was having a girl but wanted to surprise Stef and tell her on her birthday which was only a few days away. It was the sweetest thing ever and I had never seen her so excited before. However, were just relieved that she had her meds and seemed to be feeling better  and that the pregnancy wasn't too much for her body.

"Bitch please you lucky if you can play Dorothy!" Tracey said back as we couldn't help but bust out laughing and snacking on crunch and munch.

"Dorothy?! Heffer I will deck you! Back in the day let me tell you I was the shit!  The real shit! Wasn't I Stef."

"I'm not in this." Stef groaned in a cranky tone for I knew she was short on sleep.

"Oh you are now trick! Tell this hoe of yours I was fine, fly and the women, shit they was all up on me. Nothing changed! I knew how to lick pussy then, and still do! My tongue worked wonders!  And all the women wanted me!"

"Jesus Rox!" Stef said as I shook my head for I was use to Roxy and her open, unfiltered mouth.

"Yeah cuz they blind!" Tracey smacked back as the girls oohed and went back and forth with each other. Hearing the TV was out of the question now as my hands continued to play in Stefs hair as I saw her close her eyes at the ridiculous argument they were having. Rubbing up and down her arm I leaned my head down a bit and kissed it running my fingers in her hair again which she loved.

"Oh this is so cute. Isn't it Mama Lion?" Callie said to me showing me a cute little bear that came with a newborn outfit as I couldn't help but smile at it. "Says, Po...Polar Be. Polar Bear."

"Very good Callie." I said.

"Very good babygirl." Stef whispered for she was so proud of Callie's reading all of us were as I looked to what she showed me again.

"But yes it's very cute. When I had Noah I used to buy him all those cute things. He outgrew them in like a week."

"Really? They grow that fast?"

"Yes. Pretty fast. He didn't even wear everything I got him."

"That's crazy I didn't know they grew so fast. I want them to stay little forever."

"Most mama's want that sweetheart. But unfortunately they grow."

"Nah I doubt mine did. She didn't want me period and couldn't wait to get rid of me." Callie said for she never talked about her parents ever as I felt Stef move her head and open her eyes looking up toward the young girl. She had only told me a very tiny amount about Callie's mother and she was not a nice woman. Not by any means.

"Fuck her baby. I want you. So don't you give it a second thought what she feels. Hear me. I'm your mama , you came from me and I love you. You hear me Cals?"

"I love you too." Callie smiled as Stef grabbed her hand and kissed it as I kissed the side of Callie's head. Relationships in prison weren't much different to those on the outside. Although maybe they were for they could be very close and intense especially in this family and you were stuck with them 24/7. Whereas on the outside you could leave if you got into a fight. Here you had to deal with it and in the Lion's Den we dealt with it and didn't let it fester. Stef wasn't into that and any disputes had to be settled then and there. Always which I didn't blame her for. She had a few girls that stormed off and joined other groups betraying her and it was the one thing you never did. Ever. But they had and never lasted long. Truth was no matter how good of a people reader you were some fell through the cracks or changed and prison was good for that. Changing you. She told me Callie had not changed and really was a sweet girl and you would never know the shit she use to do. Stealing cars, robbing stores, selling drugs all to make money to take care of her siblings. What landed her in here much like Stef and I was she shot her mother's boyfriend who had tried to go after her younger sister.  It explained alot about her and she wasn't much different from either me or Stef. Callie was a good kid, she really was  and many times I felt for her and wondered where she would be if she had not met Stef. Dead most likely from not having her medication or somewhere selling her body which she confessed she did once and it was why she was pregnant. When she did let herself daydream about being on the outside she said she prayed Stef got released when she did so she could live with her for their was no one else she trusted. No one and I knew that. She was her mother and that was all there was too it.

Many of the girls that were apart of the Lions Den had similar stories but different. Tracey who would die for Stef stole cars herself to feed herself for she had been homeless since she was 10 running away from foster homes and often living in those cars she stole. Pretty soon she was selling drugs and herself. She wasn't a bad kid she just never had the opportunity for someone to love her. Stef told me the girl use to cut but she told her if she wanted to be part of this Den she had to stop that shit. And she did, it took time but my wife forced the prison to get her help for she had nearly almost killed herself.

 Most days  I didn't know how Stef was able to keep up with all these girls and their issues but she did.  She advised them, loved them, hugged them but she only let them get so close. Never as close as Callie or even Tracey. 

Glancing back at the magazine with Callie she showed me another little outfit she loved as Roxy and Tracey were still going at it and I could tell my wife was growing annoyed.

"Would ya'll shut the fuck up!" Stef shouted."I can't hear the god damm TV and I have a fucking migraine and you two bitches won't shut the fuck up. No Rox you can't be Blanche and who gives a shit how good you lick pussy! I don't! So do me a favor and get the fuck out. Just get out!"

"Jesus what the hell is up your ass today S? Chill the fuck out we were goofin." Roxy said as I could see the frustration grow on my wife's face as she sat up.

"You! I'm tired of hearing you two heffers go at each other every god damm day! So take your shit and get the fuck out. Tracey get the fuck out too. All of you! Out!"

"Baby it's ok. Why are you in such a bad mood mm? You didn't sleep well?"

"I want to relax and not hear that shit. I'm not in the mood for it." Gently rubbing her back I could feel how tense it was and I knew it was the stress of a few things. Callie's health was one but also Frankie's birthday coming up as well as her own.  I spoke with Roxy and Mike was going to bring a cake and celebrate for the next family visit for little Frankie and we were hoping to have a little party for her. I had yet to meet her and was rather excited.

"Guys get out.  Come on get out and take that shit somewhere else." I yelled as Rox took them in the room to play cards and I felt Callie jump.


"You ok what's wrong love?" Stef askd turning around as Callie smiled at the both of us.

"Nothing. Just a kick. She's so active at this time. Opps I mean...crap." She said letting it slip as Stef's eyes widened.

"She? Do you, do you know something I don't do both of you?" She asked looking to me as I couldn't help but smile and so did Callie.

"I found out two days ago but wanted to surprise you for your birthday mom.  I'm having a girl."

"You, you are? A girl?" Stef smiled so wide and it was the sweetest ever as her bad mood instantly turned around and she got up kneeling down to Callie's stomach and kissing it.

"I am yeah. I have the sonogram. I'm going to name her Stefanie Marie. If that's ok with you." It was then I saw tears form in Stef's eyes as I could tell she was trying to hold them back so badly but maybe not for they were falling now. Falling from both eyes as I smiled softly at her. "I want her to be like you. Strong, smart, beautiful, affectionate, kind, loving, and courageous."

"You just described yourself babygirl and I hope one day you will see what I do and what Lena does." Cupping Callies cheek she softly kissed it a millions times and kissed her stomach once again. "Hi sweetheart. Hi babylove inside. I'm your grandmama and I can't wait to meet you my love. And Lena she can't wait to me you either my girl. Now you be good in there for your mama you hear me little girl. You be good and don't give her any problems or ya'll have to answer to me." Kissing her stomach once again my eyes were filled with tears as well as Callie's. If only we weren't in prison.  If only as Stef rested her head on Callie's stomach and the young girl ran her fingers through my wife's hair. Sweet did not give what I saw justice as I wrapped my arm around Callie kissing her temple.

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