A Prison Wedding

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The day had come. The day that the two leaders of the Lion's Den would say their vows and commit to each other for life. Of course what they didn't know was that even if their life would be challenging on the outside they would never give up on each other for their love beat and defied all odds. This intense love they had for each other was a love that was never easy to find, maybe only once in a lifetime but it felt natural and fluid.

Loving Stef was as easy as breathing for Lena even if in the beginning it had been difficult to even talk or look at her. To the blonde loving Lena had been equally as easy. So easy she had to pinch herself sometimes to make sure it was all real. To make sure this woman really was all hers, to make sure she was there every night pressed against her, to make sure it was her smiling at her and tracing her fingers all over her giant tree tattoo. It was true sometimes she felt her doing it in the early morning hours before roll call and it made her smile. The blonde could only  turn over and scoop the curly haired woman in her arms holding her close. So close she could feel her heartbeat and the love radiate through their bodies. Lena always soaked up this love closing her eyes as she smelled her wife's scent something she always wanted to smell and never forget as she fantasized almost daily about their life.

Prison weddings were of course different then weddings you had on the outside. Your family wasn't allowed to attend  and your guest were other inmates. Wedding bands could be worn and exchanged but it could be nothing glamorous or expensive for your own safety, and that was assuming you were able to get one or afford one. Some inmates had family members bring them in prior but even then it had to be approved and inspected. Same with clothing and gifts for when Stuart brought in the wedding dress for Lena and pants outfit for Stef  that had been inspected with a fine tooth comb for any sign of contraband. Sure they could wear them for the day but afterwards Lena's father would make a trip up to collect them and keep them safe at home.

Because of the blondes high status in the prison  she was able to get away with a little bit more in terms of her wedding. However there were no giant bouquets of flowers, there were no pretty bridesmaid dresses, or  millions of photos or videos taken. It was Stef and Lena together surrounded by the brown walls of the chapel with flowers made from tissue paper and streamers from toilet paper along with inmate and guards who watched the festivity. Of course the blonde had plans of having a second wedding maybe once they were on the outside with their kids and family but right now this would have to do. And it did as she couldn't get over how fucking beautiful Lena was and how in just a few moments she would be her wife. Legally.

As the blonde continued to stare at her soon to be wife Stef would have never guessed that the day she picked the nervous woman's tea bag off the floor that she would ask her to marry her only a few months later. No way for who would ever think that and originally she just wanted to sleep with her, fuck her, make love with her. She just wanted Lena to be hers and only hers but it became more then that. It became true love, everlasting love and love Stef never knew existed. Maybe she had scared her in the beginning, maybe she had teased and flirted with her a bit but it was only because she liked her and it was never about controlling her. Not even once.

Lena couldn't get over how beautiful she looked either with the light makeup she had on and the waves throughout her long blonde hair. God she was beautiful and the wedding outfit her father got her looked amazing on her soon to be wife. She wore it so well as their hands remained locked together and the blonde had not stop smiling once. Lena herself couldn't help but smile either for she never in a million years thought she would ever marry this woman. A woman she had avoided for months when she first entered Chowchilla, a woman who scared her, terrified her but didn't want to seem to give up. Stef was a woman Lena didn't understand at first but now she wondered how that could ever be.  She wondered what she even did before her, and who she would have ended up becoming had it not been for her. Had she stayed hidden in the walls of the prison unknown and kicked around? What if Stef had gotten back with Cheryl? What if she had been recruited into The Panthers? All of it could have ended badly and turned out so differently if it had not been for her heart. A heart that fell so deep for the woman who promised her she was no monster. And Stef was right. She was not.

As the minister continued the ceremony each woman heard his words as the Lions Den sat around more emotional than ever for they could see Stef's walls crash. Everyone could and Callie's tears had been falling from the minute she saw them dressed for it gave her a snippet of the future. These two women, her moms, had done everything for her in such a short amount of time and they still were. They had fought for her, they had protected her and baby Stef, and they were doing everything they could to make sure she had a place to stay if they got out. Sometimes they loved her so much that she didn't always know what to do with it but she took it. She took it and ate it up as it made her a stronger person each day and showed her a healthy love was possible. Infact it showed all the Lion's Dens girls even down to her sister Roxy what was possible and there was not a single dry eye in the entire chapel as the two women exchanged their vows.

"Stefanie Marie I want you to know that you scared the crap out of me when I first met you and I was told to stay away from you." Lena began as the blonde couldn't help but burst out laughing as well as the entire Lions Den. The smile could only remain on the blondes face as her hands locked inside Lena's the two facing each other."And I tried but no matter what I couldn't get away from you.But as scared as  I was I couldn't deny the feelings I had for you, and I am glad I couldn't get away from you. Because you are the love of my life and you really are my everything. Maybe some people think it's crazy or they don't understand but thank you for letting me see you. The person you are deep, deep inside and the person I can't get enough of. That smile that makes me melt inside, that laugh, even just the sound of your voice makes my heart skip a beat. Yes, you are one tough cookie but damm do I love you. I love you so much and I hope I can do everything in my power to make you happy. I hope so baby because you are all mine Stefanie Marie. All of you and I take the good and the bad. Forever."

Nothing could stop the blonde's tears at this point as Lena gently wiped them and softly kissed her lips. What could she say in response to that for Lena had said everything she was thinking. Everything as they soon pulled away and Stef felt the words she needed to speak form on her tongue.

"Lena. My beautiful Lena and the absolute love of my life." The blonde said now cupping her cheek softly and gently. "As you know and everyone in here knows saying my feelings is not easy. And sometimes I put my foot in my mouth." She laughed as everyone couldn't help but laugh as well. "But I'm going to try for you. I will try everyday because you are my everything as well and you showed me what love really is and what it can be. You made me a better person, a wiser person Lena and a stronger person. You have also made me a more patient person and you have shown me what real happiness is. Before I could only dream of it or allow myself to but now I have it. I have this love that I will never give up on no matter what challenges we may face baby. Because you are it for me. You and only you my strong queen because I gotta tell you, you are one strong woman who I will try to avoid pissing off."

Lena could only burst out laughing for it was just like her to make a joke. Just like her and it was another thing she loved about this woman who took over her mind everyday of her life.  Soon  exchanging the very simple bands they made in the prison, and the minister said his final words making their marriage official Stef could only pick Lena up in her arms as she kissed her the deepest ever. Kissing her back just as deep the slim woman pulled away a bit smiling at her new wife as the entire prison cheered for them and throwing rice.

"I love you Mrs. Adams Foster." Lena said as she continued to see the tears run down the blondes face wiping them away for her.

"I love you too Mrs. Adams Foster. I love you too more then anything in this world."

"I know you do baby. I know you do and this is forever."

"Forever my  love."


Yay they are married!

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