Legal Issues

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Lena couldn't get more furious even if she tried. She really couldn't as she had listened to her soon to be wife a few days ago explain her concerns about Mike adopting her kids. It pissed her off to no end and the slim woman asked her state appointed lawyer to check on it. He had been someone her father found for her, Stef, and Callie by the name of Wilson and was new but specialized in cases such as self defense and women who had not gotten a proper trial.  To Wilson it looked as if all three women had a chance at a repeal especially Stef and Callie. 


"Stef I've gone over your case many times and much of the evidence that pertains to it." He said addressing the blonde as Callie and Lena sat beside her. "You have a good chance at a repeal. You really do. Alot of the evidence that could have gotten you out sooner  or that could have prevented you from being put in here in the first place was not presented."

"Evidence like what? I was the one with the record."

"MM maybe but in terms of this no. Jay Richardson has a rap sheet a mile long and he was not a nice guy. Not by any means. Did you know he had other women and fathered six other children? Many of these women pressed charges against him for domestic violence. I have the police records."

"What? "

"Yeah. Well it's true. I mean I have him on attempted murder where he almost tried to kill his wife."

"I'm sorry wife?" The blonde said confused.

"Yeah. He was married."

"Fuck my life."

"And he was kicking her around too."

"Well I never said anything when he was kicking my ass. Nothing which was my fault and it could have helped my damm case."

"It's ok baby." Lena soothed as the blonde let out a sigh.

"Stef to be honest that wasn't the issue with your case.  The lawyer you had just didn't know what he was doing. Neither did yours Lena or yours Callie." He said looking to all three women. "Lena I know you hired a few and some really good ones but they didn't really look at everything. Not like they should of. I know you didn't make any calls either when your husband was abusing you but I have collected many witnesses that heard the fights and some even saw it.  And yours too had women on the side he was abusing."

 Lena could only shake her head as Stef glanced  to her feeling angry on her behalf.

"It's ok baby." The blonde whispered to her as the two sat even closer.

"And Callie, your lawyer barely looked at anything.  I went through your case and it clearly shows it was self defense. Your mother's boyfriend had a history of raping young girls and was a convicted sex offender."

"Jesus." Stef said shaking her head as she slid her hand inside Callie's despite the cuffs that held her wrists together.

"Now Callie I know your mother terminated her rights against you which makes you a ward of the state. So if you do get out before you are 18 you will go to a group home."

"A group home?" The young girl asked in fear.

"Yes. You're a minor and they won't throw you out on the street. But you will be on parole for a year."

"And what after I'm 18 I get dumped on the street?"

"That's not happening babygirl. Wilson, if either me or my wife get out  even if Callie is 17 can she stay with us?"

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