A Leader

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Stef was not big on over apologizing to her girls nor was she big on many things for that matter.  She didn't over compliment them if at all and never did she overpraise them for she just didn't believe in it. The girls did the jobs her and Lena ordered them to do without any hesitation or disobedience which made her life easier in some respects and that was enough. However, it would go without saying that there had been a few bad apples at times whom Roxy and her had  disposed of.  

The tough blonde cared for each of her members all in different ways but she never met one as fierce as Tracey and it was true that if her appeal did work out thoughts of who would take care or her girls plagued her mind as well everyday. It was tough because of course she wanted to get out so she could be with her kids, her granddaughter and have a real life with Lena. But at the same time  she wasn't  the kind of person to let her den members die with no one to lead them.

 Only once before she had made that mistake when her and Lena had been placed in solitary and she refused to ever let that happen again. Ever and that was why she had been so furious with Tracey for that little girl was the only would she would ever entrust to take over as the leader. However, Lena was right.  Tracey's skills needed to be crafted, she needed to be taught how to use her mind carefully and it was something Stef would show her immediately. Maybe her anger had gotten the best of her but she never had any intentions of kicking the girl out. Infact she would be crazy to do such a thing as yes she would be the first to admit she was hard on her. Her own father was hard on her growing up as well because there was just no room for bullshit. None as the same went for Tracey. Yes she could be loyal, as loyal as she wanted but she had to use that wisely. She had to make better choices, and think with her mind and not always with her emotions. Stef had made that mistake one to many times using her own emotions to make choices. Sometimes it bit her in the ass and she would admit the entire Warden situation had done just that. Maybe she had not been very smart about it. Maybe not but somethings in her game were trial and error. Actually most things were and you did the best you could.

It was possible that Roxy would be pissed off at Stef for not passing the den onto her if her appeal did work out. Nonetheless the blonde knew better for her sister was far too unstable and had been busy the last few weeks sleeping with and fucking a handful of new inmates. That was Roxy sometimes. Distant, unreachable and distracted, so distracted that she lost vision of what was going on in the den and even in the prison itself. Roxy had even ignored the entire Raquel situation which had quieted down significantly for the girl realized she really was no match for Stef. None and she was really spiraling out of control more then she ever had. The blonde had warned her sister once again that she needed to handle it, and take care of her daughter and decide what she was going to do about her disloyalty and drug use. But once again Roxy ignored it and went about her own business which infuriated the blonde to no end. She really didn't want to be the one to handle Raquel not at all but she knew she might have too if it came to that.  Lena tried as well but there was only so much her and Stef could do at one time for they were really both concentrating on their appeals, baby Stef, their own children and the rest of the den. 

Aside from that Stef knew that she needed to talk to Tracey and it had been a few days since she had torn into her. What she didn't know was that as much as the young girl loved the blonde, and as tough as she was Tracey was feeling like a failure and felt as if she failed Stef and the den one to many times.  Infact she felt so bad the worst she ever had but  refused to go down the path she use to when she would cut or get a hold of drugs.No way could she for she had come so far in her mind, and in her music to go down that road again. But she had other thoughts. And was thinking of requesting a transfer to a different prison once things died down for maybe then she could go about her own way and not make another mistake. Maybe. 

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