I grab their bags and follow after the boys, finding Ella and Stella waiting for us, my cheer bag in hand.

"We got everyone's stuff from the locker room and drove your car around. I hope you don't mind." Ella informs me, shouldering Silvers bag.

I nod in response, grateful for their help. "Where's Saffron?"

"We left her with Madison, we didn't want to scare her."

Good. Ever since the accident our family doesn't take injuries very lightly. "Can you give Saffron and Sage a ride home after practice ends?" I ask Ella, my mind trying to process everything that just happened.


We reach the car where Silver is trying to get back to practice. "Sit down." I tell him, pushing his butt back into the passenger seat.

"Where are you guys going?" Stella asks, handing Silver a bottle of water.

"The doctor." I inform them. He still needs medical attention to ensure nothing is wrong.

"But I'm fine Scar." Silver protests before throwing up once more, thankfully outside of the car.

"Shut up, no you're not." Stubbornness is a family trait.

"What about Sterling?" Ella asks, handing him a towel.

I eye my other brother who is nursing his bloodied hand, remaining silent in hopes that I'll forget about his little display of violence. "He's coming with me, we need to have a chat."

He gulps visibly as we climb into the car and drive off. I go well over the speed limit, getting to Dr. Greene's office in ten minutes. Silver goes back to be looked at while Sterling and I wait in the empty reception room. He didn't throw up again but his skin is still deathly pale and his vision disoriented.

"Scarlett stop shaking." Sterling says, grabbing my hand to still it.

I hadn't even noticed, my mind so caught up with worrying. I try to collect my thoughts, looking down at our connected hands. His bloodied knuckles.

That's right, we're due for a talk.

"So tell me, Sterling, why did you attack that kid?"

"Wilson hit Silver on purpose so I returned the favor." He states, his eyes dart around the room, avoiding me.

"You play football, he's going to get hit. What makes you think it was on purpose?" I pry. Sterling freezes, I raise a brow waiting for a response.

"Because... coach had already blown the whistle to end the play." He hesitates, what's this kid hiding? "Who was that guy sitting next to you in class today?"

Did he really just try to change the subject on me?

"Cute. So your first instinct was to attack him?" I push, determined to get to the bottom of this.

"No, I made sure he was alive and I waited for you to get there before I did anything rash." He states like it's perfect logic, flexing his bruised hand.


"Sterling, it isn't like you to hit anyone, no matter what they did."

Sterling was the cool and collected child in our family. He wouldn't harm a fly. One time he accidentally punched a kid in third grade and he put himself in timeout. My parents laughed so hard they cried. He just wasn't a violent soul, a rare occurrence in the family.

A dark look passed through his cool blue eyes, "Trust me, he deserved it."

I want to ask him more questions but Dr. Greene steps into the room.

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