Chapter 9.

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

As we're on the way to the car, Violet's nags me, "I can't believe you paid! My insurance covered it and everything!"

I sigh, "I told you, Violet, how sketchy would it look if you paid for an x-ray, an ankle wrap, a pair of crutches adjusted to not even your height, etc.," 

Now it's Violet's turn to sigh, "It would just look like I was buying something for a friend, or relative," 

"No, it would look weird that you were going to such great lengths to help someone you're not even related to, they would find my name,"

"Twilight, we both know that's not your real name, they wouldn't find out who you are,"

"You really think I'd risk it?" I counter,

Violet sighs, "No, you're too cautious to risk it,"

I smile, "Yep, no, let's go," I state as we reach the car. Violet hops into the driver's seat and I put my crutches down and sit in the passenger's seat. 

"Tell me about yourself?" Violet asks when we begin to drive,

I sigh, "I guess,"

A smile instantly spreads across her face, "I can't tell you too much thought, okay? I'll let you ask one question, depending on what it is of course,"

"Alright, what really are you?" she questions,

"What do you mean?" I respond, knowing full well what she means,

"You told me when we first met, I know your lying now, so what really are you?"

I sigh once again, "I'm a hybrid, basically a mix,"

Violet's eyes widen, "Of what?"

"All of them," I mumble, but she still heard me,

"That's amazing! I didn't even know we had hybrids!"

"Yep," I say awkwardly, "We do,"

She frowns for a moment before putting on a neutral face, "Because I'm a vampire, not a lot of people like me, hence why when we met, I was just thrown into a locker,"

Now my eyes widen, "I almost forgot! How has your back been? Has it happened again?"

She shakes her head then smiles, again, "Ever since I started hanging out with you, people fear me, it's so weird, but also cool!"

"I'm happy to hear about that, but what about your back?"

She shrugs, "It's actually pretty good, I've taken off the bandages and it's pretty much healed,"

I smile, "I'm happy to hear that, can I ask you a question now?"

She smiles, "Fire away,"

"How did your father die?" I push,

Violet glances at me before settling her eyes on the road,

"He was a pilot, I don't know a lot about him even though I wish that I did, he was flying on a flight to some tropical place. I don't know the exact place. The engine blew, I'm not sure really what happened, but since the engine wasn't working, they had to immediately land, but they couldn't. Not everyone died, but twenty-two people died,"

I raise my eyebrows, "Violet, I'm so sorry, I really had no idea,"

She lets out a bitter laugh, "I don't like telling people that kind of stuff, so what about your parents?"

"Um... that's a story for another time I guess,"

She shrugs, "That's fine, I won't push you to tell me something that I don't have a right to know,"

"Thank's Violet, I really appreciate that,"

"Hey, it's no sweat, I get- AHHH" Violet screams and tries to stop but it's too late, a car slams the side of us, and we nosedive into a trench next to us,

"TWILIGHT!" Violet shouts but is silenced when we hit the ground. The windows and windshield smash into a thousand little pieces. My head swings forward but an airbag crashes into it. I look over at Violet and see her having cuts on her arms and legs, and she's passed out. I look down at my cloak and move it aside so I can see the damage. I have a couple of cuts, but the cloak protected me from the glass.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain coming from my leg, I think I've damaged it even more just from the hit, I hold in a cry of pain. I can't stay in the car, when someone comes to get help, they'll bring me to the hospital and take off my cloak. I feel extremely light headed, and my vision is blurry and wavy. 

I quickly open the door, grab my crutches and get out. I scan the area, seeing that we are surrounded by trees and dirt, I head as far into the woods as I can. I try to get away from the car, and I make it behind a large tree. I'm about fifty paces away from the car.

I try to look around and memorize that trail I took to get to the car. My vision blurs even more and I'm pretty sure I have a concussion. My leg crumbles beneth me and my crutches fall from under me. I colaspe under my crutches and see black spots before everything goes black.

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