Chapter 7.

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Aaron's P.O.V.

I can't believe what just happened.

She sat with Violet, is she tricking Violet? Would she really stupe so low as to do that? I don't think so. Violet must have trusted her a lot to confess to her that Dante, 'cheated' on her. Dante didn't mean to though, it was Daniella's fault. 

"Wow, what was that?" Garroth says, baffled,

"You're one to talk! You weren't being accused of cheating on somebody!" Dante exclaims,

"You did cheat on her technically Dante," Laurence states. When Dante goes to defend himself, Laurence interrupts, "Now, Garroth, why didn't you say anything?"

Garroth sighs, "I thought she would just get angry the more we interact with her, you saw the way she spoke to us earlier," 

I move my hair away from my mask, "We're not giving up on her, are we? I'm curious about why she covers herself the way she does, and why she acts the way she does,"

Dante sighs, "You're still on about that? Is she even worth being friends with?" 

Laurence shrugs, "I don't know, but I think that she is worth it,"

Garroth looks baffled, "What do you mean? I don't think she's worth it at this point, why do you think differently?"

Laurence shakes his head, "Think about it, even though Violets not to open about that kind of stuff without really trusting the person. And they just started hanging out today it seems, so The Girl must have done something to earn Violet's trust,"

I nod my head curtly, "I completely agree, even though Violet is an open person, she's not open about things like that,"

Garroth sighs, "What is The Girl is tricking Violet?"

"No, Violet is smart enough not to fall for that garbage. Trust me, I know," Dante exclaims with a happy, yet distant smile,

Laurence and Garroth both give hesitant smiles, "Is it possible that The Girl is actually worth it?" Garroth asks,

I give a hesitant nod, "I think so, however, I think it's best for us to take this one step at a time,"

Dante looks in Violet's direction. Violet sees him staring at him and glares at him. Dantes expression falls significantly, "I want Violet back. I didn't cheat on her! The girl jumped on me in the bathroom and I couldn't do anything!"

Garroth looks down, "Dante, you messed up - big time,"

Laurence pats his shoulder, "You haven't done anything to show her that you want her back buddy,"

"Aww guys, you're making me feel lonely,"  Garroth pouts, "Enough moping about that, make a plan and win Violet back,"

Dante eagerly nods his head, "What do you guys think I should do it?"

Laurence shone his famous smile, the one that gets all of the girls, "I know just the thing,"

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Ha, take that. I smirk as I walk back to Violet,

"That was so cool!" Violet gushes,

"You deserve better," I say shaking my head,

"That doesn't mean I don't like him," Violet whispers, but I heard it,

"You still like him?" I raise a brow, "Why?"

Violet sighs, "Cupcake castles, for so many reasons, he actually treated me well. Like you already know, not a lot of people in this school are nice to me," she looks down, "To be honest, I'm not even sure why they don't like me. They shouldn't have anything against me, I didn't do anything to them,"

I frown, "But Dante was actually nice to you for a change?"

Violet smiles with a distant look in her eyes, "Yes. If I hadn't walked in on him and her,  I wouldn't have suspected a thing. He was a player before, but he stuck with me for a month. That was longer than he had with any other girl. It made me feel special, ya know? So I thought he had changed. That he would stick with me through thick and thin. But he didn't. It's all in the past now, right?" she flashes me a sad smile.

I sigh, "Violet, you're obviously not over him yet. Come to terms with the break-up, I'll be here every step of the way,"

Violet nods quickly, "I'll get over him,"

The lunch bell rings and everyone goes on their way. I continue to sit with Violet when I feel a presence a couple feet away, "Hello girls," I say, turning in the girl's direction, they all looked shocked that I knew they were even there without a glance in their direction.

Ivy steps forward and narrows her eyes at me as the other girls cross their arms, "That was some stunt you pulled,"

"Stay away from those boys, or we will destroy you,"

"Pleasure seeing you here, Violet," Daniella coos, 

"Isn't it always?" Violet says sarcastically, after staying quiet this whole time,

"You know, Dante and I have been going strong for a month now," Daniella -responds, looking at her nails,

Violet scoffs and looks her right in the eye, "You know what, I wish I could block people in real life because you look 100% better when I can't see you," I smirk as Violet turns to me, "Come on, let's not waste our time on this crap,"

I look over to the girls, "Scram,"

They all roll their eyes and walk off. I slowly get up, trying to hide my crutches from Violet but she catches a glimpse, "Hey, whats that?"

I shake my head but she comes over and opens my cloak, but only to the point when she can see the crutches, not my face, "Oh my god! What is this? How did you get crutches?!"

I sigh, "See, obviously you know who Briana is," she shakes her head, "Okay, Those four girls are Briana's minions, but Briana has been sick. So they've been bullying me for her. Anyway, she tripped me and something happened to my ankle, so bam, crutches,"

Violets eyes widen, "You have to see a doctor," 

I wave her off, "I'll be fine,"

Violet shakes her head again, "No, I'm taking you to a doctor,"

"Violet," I stop when I see the look of determination in her eye. She's not going to back down about this, "Fine, but just this once,"


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