Chapter. 4

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up and look around. It's dark outside. Is it still night time? I check the clock and find out that it's 4:30 AM. So the time that I normally wake up. I almost never sleep in. 

I slowly get up off the couch slowly to not hurt my ankles. I grab my crouches and walk into my room and change. I put on black leggings, a gray sweater with a black emblem on the front of a dove, a pair of converse. I try to hide the crutches under my white cloak so no one can see them. Once I'm satisfied with how I look, I had to the training room.


I arrive at the school. I slowly walk up to the door relying on the crutches to keep me up. Its dangerous for me to do that though. Now I have to be extra careful for two reasons. One, if someone pushes me, or trips me, I would be a lot more susceptible to getting hurt. And two, Briana is probably so proud of herself for catching me off guard like that, she probably will try to do it again. So basically, I'm going to be paranoid for the entire day. Great.

I walk into the building, being careful to hide my crutches under my cloak. As I walk in, many people start eyeing me weirdly. I assume it's the way I'm walking. I'm a bit more hunched than usual, and I'm not relying on my leg very much. But there isn't much I can do about those without hurting my leg.

I head to first period. On my way there, the same guy who bumped into me last time ran into me again.

Aaron's P.O.V.

As I'm talking to Garroth and Laurence, they stop talking and look behind me. I shoot them an odd look and turn around. I see The Girl walking over. I obverse the way she walks. She looked hurt yesterday, but today she looks alright. I walk in her direction with Laurence and Garroth behind me. I expect her to stop at the same time as I do, but she walks straight into me.

"Move out of my way," she growls,

"We just wanted to make sure you're alright after yesterday," Garroth tries,

She sighs and looks up at us. We're just taller than her by a few inches, "I'm fine, now leave me alone," she tries to walk around us, but Laurence blocks her way,

"Hey, babe," he winks at her, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"If I wasn't," she pauses, "You'd be the last person to hear about it. Now butt out of my life and into your own, got it?" She looks at us and crosses her arms over her chest. As soon as she does that she undoes it, and tries to get balanced. But how did she lose her balance?

"Good" she states and walks off.

"We can't give up on her," Garroth and Laurence nod.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I brush past them. God, they're messing with things that are none of their concern. They're just going to make everything worse than it already is. 

I don't need their pity. I don't need anyone's pity. It would be a mistake. I get to the hallway my class is on as the bell rings. The once flooded hallways, now empty. I don't want to go to class now because everyone will look at me, and I think they'll know something's wrong. They all have a gift, they can sniff gossip from a mile away. It's best for me if I just leave now. I'm excelling in all of my classes so I'm sure I'll be fine.

I start for the main entrance. When I'm around halfway there, I hear a cry. Is someone hurt?! I hear more cries so I head in the direction I hear it coming from. I pass a hallway and the noise gets quieter. I take a step back and travel through the hallway. At the very end of it is a girl looking no older than 14, lying against the side of the wall, crying.

I'm about to leave when a pang of guilt slaps me in the face. I don't think I can leave this poor child here, crying. Deja vu passes through me as I relive a memory buried deep down inside. It's me, sitting against a wall in the bathroom, crying. No one did anything. They just left me there. I can't do that to this poor innocent child. Who knows what she's been through or what she is even crying about.

I slowly approach the girl, taking small steps, trying not to make a sound. When i reach her, she still hasn't noticed me. She seems lost in thoughts. Sad thoughts, considering the mountain of tears drifting down her pale cheeks. I attempt to sit beside her, but my crutches won't allow it. She finally notice my arrival and quickly jumps up, startled. She sees I was trying to sit down and assists me sit down. Luckily, she doesn't see my crutches.

She harshly wipes away her tears and plasters a fake smile on her face, "I'm so sorry to have disturbed you, please excuse me," She starts to stalk away, still facing me.

I hold my hand up, silently telling her to halt her actions, "Honey, what's wrong?"

She flashings another obviously fake smile, "Nothing's wrong m'am,"

I shake my head and laugh, "Ah, how formal the world has become, I'm just junior here honey, now tell me whats wrong,"

She hesitates and turns away slightly, I gesture for her to come to me. She slowly walks over and sits down beside me,

"Honey, sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger, now take your time," I say calmly,

"Well," she starts, "It's quite stupid really," she looks down embarrassed,

I nod, silenting asking her to continue, "I was walking through the halls, and some senior, I'm a freshman by the way, ran into me! In retrospect, I could have run into him, but either way, that gives him no right to slam me into a locker!" When I see her tears start to fall, I put my arms around her.

I might have friends or family, but I'm not heartless. She's just a little child.

"His friends started to laugh at me. A lock was digging into my back and I think it left a mark. He dropped me, just to pick me up and shove me into the lockers again."

I look at her with sympathy in my hooded eyes, "Honey, do you want me to take you to the nurse?"

"Yes please Ma'am,"

We both look at each other, and a grin spreads across her face, "I have a feeling we're going to be great friends,"

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