Chapter 3.

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

When I finally arrive at home, the pain in my ankle and leg is dulling. I think it's because I finally stopped walking on it and rested it. In case you haven't noticed, I live alone.

I grab my key from my converse, I have it tucked inside a pocket I sewed inside my shoe. I unlock the door and step inside. I slowly slip off my hood and run my hand over my white horns.

I can't show my horns, all devils horns are red. Except for mine. Mine are white. I suspect that it's white because of the angel in me. But nothing is certain.

I limp onto the couch in my living room and lie down. I slowly start to drift off.

Aaron's P.O.V.

 As I watch The Girl, walk off from Briana, I start to inch closer to her. I've always been an observant person, and it wasn't hard to tell that she wasn't okay. She was limping. That part wasn't very noticeable though. You had to be watching carefully to see her limp. I step forward to follow her but Garroth puts a hand on my shoulder from behind, stopping me,

"Aaron, don't," He pleeds,

I turn to him and my eyes narrow under my mask, "Why shouldn't I?"

He sighs and runs his other hand through his hair, "You know why,"

And I do know why.

We all know what Briana and her minions do to The Girl, it's despicable.

If we did anything to help, Briana would increase it tenfold on her and we couldn't do that to her,

"But what if we protected her?" Laurence suggests to Garroth's right.

"What do you mean?" Garroth questions,

"What if we befriend her, and protect her from Briana?" Laurence ponders,

I bite back a scoff, "There's no way she'd be our friends. Not after what happened with me and Briana,"

"You never know until you try," Laurence tries one more time.

Garroth's eyes plead with mine, "I think we should try,"

I sigh and run a hand through my hair, "Fine, but we start tomorrow, we have classes today,"

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm running through a forest.

Someone's running after me.


I know this forest on the back of my hand. 

Every time I try to outsmart him, get away, he comes back.

I run. It's all I do to get away from him. It's all I can do. If I fight him, he finds out more about me, and tells it to others. Then more people want to hurt me. 

I'm wanted, but not for the reasons people think. I've never committed a crime. I know how to fight, but I only use it for self-defense. Plenty of people already want to see me dead. 

They fear me.

It's silly really. They think I'm dangerous. They think I'll hurt them. They think If I'm dead, all of their problems will be solved. And I hate to break it to them, but hurting me, won't solve their problems, I will bring them to the brink of insanity. 

Because they can't hurt me. I won't let them get close. 

I trip on a root of a tree. He comes up to me, slowly. I see a glint of something in his eyes, pain. Agony. Hurt. 

I know that glint better than anyone.

He can't be sorry after all of this time, can he?

It's useless anyway. He's the reason I have to run. That people know who I am. What I am.

It's all his fault.

Remorse or not.


I bolt awake. 

I pant heavily, I can feel my heart beating roughly, no pattern. A layer of cold sweat covers me under my cloak. I jump to sit up when pain shoots through my leg again. More cautiously this time, I sit up.

I stare at a clock on the wall, trying to read the time with my blurry eyes. I rub my eyes tiredly and finally am able to make out the time, it's around 4:30. So it's about 2 hours after schools ended.

I lie down and fall asleep. Hopefully, this time I'll sleep until tomorrow morning.


Hey guys! Happykitty10 here! Sorry about the unconsitent updates, but I was planning on updating weekly. Probably over the weekend. I went travelling over the holidays and I didn't have very much time. I hope you had a happy holidays, and have a happy new year!

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