°Chapter Five°

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I blinked once. Blinked twice. Blinked again. I clutched unto my towel which exposed my clivage and legs. My hair dripping wet while my heart drummed against my chest.

His face turned a deep tomato red as he stared at my chest, down at my legs and then at my chest. "I'm sorry", was all he said before running out if my room.

I let out a heavy breath as my knees felt weak. It was hard to process. Carl just saw me......in a towel.

I knew I shouldn't have woken up early today!!!!!!


I slowly walked down the stairs, carefully looking around incase I ran into Carl. My heart skipped a bit when my eyes caught him in the dining room.

When I entered, he sat up on his chair and ran his fingers through his hair. It was amusing, because he looked nervous...or, shoot me, he looked shy.

That alone gave me the confidence to sit down by him. "Morning", I greeted after clearing my throat. "Morning", he replied with a small smile.

"Um...listen I want to apologise for walking in on you. I didn't know you were awake. Let alone taking a bath", he blurted out while running his fingers through his hair...again.

"Um...it's fine. I wanted to wake up early cause I thought you'd want some breakfast. You looked like you'd sleep in", his facial expression turned from nervous to surprised as he stared at me.

"Oh.", He breathed out. "But um...if it helps.... you're hot", he smiled at me and I could feel my heart threatening to explode. He didn't sound like he was trying to be seductive or a playboy.

He sounded sincere. Plus, it wasn't a grin or a smirk. It was his cute dimpled smile. "Thanks", I mumbled.

"Well, thanks for, how do I put it...", he smiled nervously. "for worrying. But, I'm really good at waking up early. Even if I'm tired."

"That's not human", I breathed out in awe as I stared at him. "Actually it is", he chuckled. "It just takes practice", he added.

"Well I prefer alarm clocks.", I shrugged and he laughed.

My phone started to ring and when I picked it up, it was Mom on the caller ID. A little confused, I answered it and heard ragged breathing. "Alex...", she breathed out.

"Mom?, What's wrong?, Why are you calling?, Are you in The house?", I asked all in one breath. "Um...yeah. Your Dad and I had a rough and incredible night", my nose scrunched up at that statement and I rolled my eyes.

"I feel numb all over. So I can't make breakfast today. You two should figure something out-", she got cut off by a moan which escaped her mouth. "Oh Daniel...", she moaned again and I immediately hung up the phone.

"Ewww",  I whined out in disgust and Carl raised a brow at me. "We have to make  breakfast", I informed with a sigh and he rose his other brow.

"Mom says she's.....numb", I whispered the last part and he burst into laughter. "It's not funny", I said through gritted teeth while I narrowed my eyes at him. "And it's not disgusting either sugar. They're just catching up for the four days lost.", He shrugged with a smile and I shuddered at the imagination of mom and Dad on bed...doing it.

"Well then what do we make for breakfast. I've got like....thirty minutes before school starts.", Carl shrugged and looked at the toaster and pans on the counter. "Let's improvise". I rose a brow at him.


"Yes, sugar, improvise"

"Okay Mr. Improvise.", I air quoted and leaned back on my chair. "What do we improvise on?"

"Simple Sugar. There's milk, tea, eggs and beef. Plus a few veggies.", I stared at him in disgust. "What kind of breakfasts would you make out of that?!", I exclaimed, earning an amused look from him.

"Some eggs for protein, Veggies for vitamin, and tea to wash it all down", he said.

"Oh", was all I could say before he stood up and moved to the gas. " Watch and learn", he winked over at me, causing my heart to skip a beat.

And watch him, I did.

All I could think of was,


He was so good with knives. I watched his muscles flex as he cut the vegetables. Then watched as he mixed and turned the eggs, the way he fried them.

I mean, I had never seen a guy look so hot while cooking. All the while I just couldn't stop staring at him.

After a little while, he was done. With the tea, the eggs and salad. Then breakfast was served.

"And you cook.", I scoffed in amazement. The food had a nice aroma.

"I didn't just build a restaurant out of nothing.", He smiled and I chuckled. "Wow. I'm impressed.", I smirked. "Thank you", he smirked back at me.

Without another word, we both dug in. Okay, he was good - wait scratch that. He was amazing. I ate and ate till I cleaned out my plate. Yeah,. I patted my tummy, which made Carl laugh.


"I'll drop you off at school", he insisted, halting me in my steps towards the door. "Huh?", Was all I said when I turned to face him.

"Well I have a car now. So I'd like to take you to school"

"That reminds me. I wanted to ask where you got a car", I crossed my arms and rose a brow at him. "I bought it", he shrugged and my eyes almost popped from my sockets.

"You bought that car?!", I yelled.

"Yeah. Thought it'd be better than walking", he shrugged again. Like it was no big deal for a college student to buy a friggin car!.

"You amaze me Carl", I sighed while shaking my head and he chuckled. "I know", he winked before gesturing towards the door. "Shall we?", I giggled. "We shall".


Who else likes the fact that Carl can cook?!😉

He's so cute!


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