°Chapter Four°

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"Why!?" I snapped.

"Cause I still gotta go to school!"he replied.

"But you're rich and own your own business!", I shot back.

"Like I said sugar. I gotta go to school", he smirked.

"Buy why does it have to be my school?!" I whined and he smiled at me. "Because it's your school sugar".

"Urrgh!!", I groaned. "You're so annoying!".

"I'm just trying to be a good friend", he shrugged, earning a glare from me. "By being annoying?", I deadpanned and his smile grew. "Yeah".

I rolled my eyes before looking back at my project work.

"what are you doing?", He asked while staring down at the book. "Why the hell do you wanna know?"
"I'm curious", he shrugged.

"Yeah well curiosity killed the cat"

"You forget it has nine lives", he said with a smirk.

"Whatever". I heard the door open and turned to the direction. "Where's my pretty Angel?", My lips tugged up to a smile as Dad came into view. He was dressed in a suit as he always did for work.

You could say I took after my Dad. Well...a little. I took his straight dark brown hair, and the shape of his nose. But clearly didn't take after his white skin.

"Dad!", I chuckled. I immediately ran towards him and he pulled me into a hug. "I missed you!", He sighed and I giggled. "Me too". We pulled out an this gaze moved to Carl.

"Carl?", He stared at him in awe as Carl walked towards him. "It's good to see you again Mr. Petrakis. I see you're as busy as always", Dad burst into a roar of laughter as he pulled Carl into one of his bear hugs.

"Oh how you've grown! You're looking so handsome!", Dad exclaimed with a chuckle and pulled out from the hug.

"When did you arrive?, My wife told me you'd be coming, she just didn't tell me when.", He informed.

"That would be Monday", Carl replied. "So you've been here the four days I was gone.", Carl smiled and nodded.

"Well I'm happy to know you took care of them", Carl smiled. "Yes sir", they both laughed again.

"Well I'll leave you two for now. I have to go take a long bath and take your mother to bed"

"Eww! Dad!", I whined and he laughed while walking up to their room. I turned to notice Carl looking at his phone and he grabbed his jacket.

"Hey where are you going?", I asked, feeling curious. "It's work. I have to deal with a few things.", He replied and I rolled my eyes. "Now you sound exactly like my Dad", he breathed out a low laugh before winking at me and exiting the house.

I stared into mid air. The place suddenly feeling.....quiet.

I hated what his presence made me feel. And how it made me feel after he was gone.

This shouldn't be a crush right?

No....he just moved in not too long. But there is this tingly feeling I get when he's near, or touches me.

It's natural to crush on hot guys...yes...

...that might be it.

I sighed. "Stupid Carl", I muttered.


"A fund raiser?", I stared at Dad with raised brows as he took a spoon full of salad. "What for?", I asked.

"It's something we decided to put together for the orphans and ill. Everyone is contributing, and I want my family to go with me.", My face lit up in excitement as I began to imagine what it would be like to attend an expensive dinner fund raiser.

All the free foods and drinks!

"You and Carl can come as a couple", I literally choked on nothing after hearing  that. "W-why?", I stuttered with trembling lips.

"Why not?", Dad shrugged and looked at my mom. "It's a good idea right darling?", He smiled. "It is. Besides what else are you going to appear as together?"

"Nothing mom! Have you heard of 'nothing' before?!", I screeched. "Oh hush Missy, you're just feeling shy about going as his date", she hushed.

"Mom!", I whined childishly, turning my gaze to Dad who kept chuckling. "You two would make an amazing couple." I narrowed my eyes at his statement.

"I remember when you started out as friends. You'd fight all the time, and end up making up. It was cute. Carl would apologise first, and it'd take you ages to play with him", he chuckled.

"You two were so cute. I always imagined what it'd be like if you both grew up together.", Mom added with a giggle. "But you cried so much when they had to move away. You kept asking over and over again for Carl. It was so cute but heart breaking", She sighed and placed her hand on her chest to emphasize the heartbreak, which I found annoying by the way.

I didn't cry that much.....did I?

"Okay what brought up this conversation?!", I yelled, throwing my hands up and glancing between mom and dad. Dad simply shrugged while mom giggled.

"Fine!, I'll ask him. But if he refuses, it ain't my fault"

"Oh he won't honey, have faith", I narrowed my eyes at her. Oh she has a plan doesn't she?, This evil, evil woman.

"Speaking of him, where is he?, It's been two hours already". I paused and looked at my phone. Dad was right. It was getting Late and we were already having dinner.

I was already starting to get worried.
I can't call him.....I don't have his number.

"It's just work. He'll be back", I assured and dropped my phone back on the table.


The door opened slowly and I snapped my head to the direction. It was already Ten pm in the night and he was just arriving.

I watched as he made his way to the dining room where I sat, completing my project. His hair looked a little rough, like he'd been running his fingers through them, and he looked worn out.

"I see you're tired.", I teased and his head immediately snapped towards me. "You're awake?", He breathed out, his voice sounding tired and drowsy. It sounded so attractive.

"Yes. I had to finish up my project. And wait for you to get home". He sighed and walked over to the chair besides me before sitting down and resting his head on the table.

"Well it was a tough evening", he sighed. "Hungry?", I asked as I looked at him and he shook his head. "Nah I ate already. Just tired."

"You shouldn't start school tomorrow then. Wait till the day after", I advised and surprisingly he nodded. "Yeah good idea", he replied before he slowly stood  from the chair and started to walk up to his room.

"Oh and Carl?", He hummed in response and turned to me, "Mom and Dad wants you as my date to this fund raiser stuff this weekend", I informed while darting my eyes around the room. Looking anywhere but at him.

"Um....sure", he croaked. "Goodnight Sugar", my body went rigid at the name. But not with anger. It sounded weird, like he wasn't trying to tease.

"Goodnight", I replied and watched him enter his room. Then I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


So how do you see the story so far?

I'm a little confused on what business he should work on. Linen company.....doesn't seem like.....'Carl'.

But I hope you guys love this story, so please vote and comment what you think about it so far.



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