22| Cannes

817 28 4

May 11th, 2016

"Mummy, you soooo pwetty." Kristen giggled hearing the dreamy voice of Laelynn. She was currently getting ready for the opening of the Cannes Festival, her movie Café Society was projected first.

It was her second time in the French Riviera and she hoped they'd have some time to explore it. Her daughter was on her bed, laying on her stomach and her head into her hands, staring at her. Once done Kristen sat down next to her and stroked her blonde hair.

"Can I have a pwetty dwess like you?" She looked up at her mum's eyes. "Please?"

"Don't you have enough of those at home?" Kristen already knew the answer, being the one cleaning up her closet, and she definitely had too many for a three years old girl. "Okay, listen up baby girl. You be a good girl tonight, no funny games or anything." She nodded eagerly her head. "Come here." Kristen opened her arms for her and they cuddled for a minute before she had to go.

She was excited for tonight and to be part of this amazing festival once again. Unfortunately she worried about her daughter, she trusted her and her friends but the organisation of this trip had been a mess. Things didn't go as planned, her baby girl was supposed to be in London with her dad. Looking out the window in the car Kristen sighed.

The past months had been stressful for her, and she wasn't sure she was gonna let Laelynn in that mess for long. She had no interest in Rob's personal life, but when it started to affect their child she had to put her foot down. The last time she heard from him was a few weeks ago, on their daughter's birthday. Since then, nothing. She even tried calling his parents but they had no idea either. His birthday was in two days and like every year he had this time with his daughter and they both cherished it. When she was gonna tell her that her dad won't be here it would break her heart. All she knew was that if Robert didn't start working on their relationship his daughter might end up hating him in a few years. As much as they weren't together anymore, never did she wish that. What was happening to him she thought.


"When is daddy coming?" Laelynn asked Kristen immediately after waking up. She was sitting on the pillow next to Kristen's head on her bed. Groaning she prepared herself for the disappointment. That definitely wasn't how she planned her day off to start, she barely had any sleep the night before. All night she spent it on her phone, texting and calling people to know where Rob was, to no avail.

"Come back to sleep with mummy, baby." With her left hand Kristen grabbed her daughter's feet and slowly slide her down on the bed to her, and enrolled her arm around her waist. The whole motion she giggled happily and rested her head against Kristen's chest.

They slept for another hour, before getting ready and to go eat some breakfast. Kristen was strapping her sandals before leaving downstairs to the restaurant.

"Did daddy call?" Sighting Kristen finished her task, tucked her hair behind her ears and looked up at her. She then motioned for her to sit on the bed with her.

"I know today's daddy's birthday." She stopped having no idea how to tell her gently. "Daddy loves you very much, you know that?" She nodded back at Kristen with a big smile on her face. For a second she admired her and the joy that irritated from her, the one that she was going to destroy. "He cannot come, baby. But I'm-"

"No." She shook her head from side to side energetically. "Daddy always come." Her voice was trembling and tears appeared on her face. Kristen wanted to dry her tears but she moved her head away from her. "I want daddy. I want daddy."

"Honey, I'm sorry but daddy isn't coming."

The look on her Laelynn's face freezed her on sight, her blue eyes were targeting her with hate and she wasn't use to that. Sure she had to deal with tantrums and arguments but everyday she was growing up and understanding more and more of the world and its difficulties, especially her relationship with Rob. In that time frame she had time to go to the bathroom and lock herself in.

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