28| Babymoon [short scene]

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[February 2017]

Kristen was picking up some of Laelynn's toys that were scattered around in the living room. It annoyed her but her daughter was still getting accustomed to the time difference. So she'd rather have her being asleep right now than yell at her to tidy her mess.

Closing the lid of the trunk she sight, her back aching. Today had been another long day. They had moved in their new home in London for a week now, and new stuffs were coming in everyday. That was necessary since they'd probably live here for almost a year.

Tugging at the sleeve of her sweaters she strolled downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey." She says seeing Rob coming in from the front door. "Was the drive okay with your sister?"

"Yeah. The snow just started to fall now." Kristen peeked at the window and shivered at the sight greeting her. "Real winter, love." Rob smiled kissing her lips.

She let him embraced her in his arms. It was official. They were a family again. This time she really hoped everything will work out, too much was at stake. But she was confident. They both grew up in the past few years, their visions of life changed and shaped into something to fit them perfectly.

"My sister actually thought of something. For us."

"Do tell me." Kristen spoke up since Rob stayed silent. She felt his hands move to her bump.

"A babymoon."

"A what?" She furrowed her eyebrows turning around in his arms. "The fuck is that?" Rob smirked at her confused face, but mostly her cursing. That always did all kind of things to him.

"A trip for us to take before the baby arrives. What do you think?"

Kristen looked him up in the eyes, and she got a glimpse of excitement in those. In the end she shrugged and moved away to grab some snacks. She was craving chocolate.

"What about Laelynn?" She questioned munching on her food.

"My parents or sister would look after her. They'd love to." Rob place his elbows on the kitchen island in front of her. "I think we should learn to be together again before the baby arrives. It's the perfect opportunity. You and I, away from everything before we're thrown back into diapers." Kristen laughed at his nose crunch. Having a baby was not all pretty.

Thinking about it she realised it wasn't that bad of an idea. Being alone with Robert would be magical and peaceful. It already was since they were away from the frenzy of Los Angeles. Laying her arm on the table she wriggled her fingers for him to take her hand.

"How long?" Kristen said when he entwined their fingers. "I don't want to be away from Laelynn for too long. She's still adjusting to the idea of the baby."

The night before their daughter had joined them in the middle of the night. Laelynn thought they had left her and it broke Kristen's hurt to see her distraught baby girl.

"How about, we go somewhere first. And then we'll do something special with Laelynn."

"Sounds perfect."

She smiled so brightly at him, that Rob once again felt like falling in love with her. Only Kristen had that power over him and he wouldn't have it any other way.

A few weeks later, Rob and Kristen were saying goodbye to a clingy Laelynn.

Florence, Italy was their destination.
I forgot to post last month. Really sorry 😕😅

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