Pressing my lips together I walk over with Shawn trying to keep my mouth shut. I can do that without wanting to slap him. Just breath. „Okey in this scene just run from here to there and when you are standing in front of the cliff just scream." he says, showing us where to start.

„Shouldn't be that difficult." Shawn replies, making the director laugh. Like how does he do that? Oh I know he's just a idiot who know how to trick people. I take a deep breath, balling my fists. It's fine Rose. Just a high cliff. Really high...but okey.

„Go!" the director, whose name is Derek, shouts and Shawn and I start to run hand in hand towards the point he showed us. We come to a stop and Shawn screams. I hesitate but do it anyways. Well, I don't know if it was a scream but Shawn sounded too hilarious.

We do the shot about three more times but I just can't seem to get a real scream out of me. I'm not embarrassed but how should I scream when I'm not scared? „So guys, that was good. Do it a one more time differently and Rose just use all the air inside your lungs, no need to worry." Derek says smiling at me.

„Okey." I reply, walking back. „What?" I ask, raising my eyebrow as I notice Shawn's amused expression. „Since when so shy?" He asks. „I'm not but it sounds weird to just scream without being scared or something." I say, shrugging. „I think I can help." Shawn says, grabbing my hand.

„What?" I question, confused but he remains silent since they already started to film. Again we run towards the cliff and as we were on the spot I prepared myself but Shawn didn't stop running, pulling me with him.

„Shawn what the hell?" I call out, before he stops just like two steps in front of the cliff lifting me into the air. I look down letting out a high pitched scream till he sets my feet onto the ground again. „Just like that Rose." I hear the director laugh.

„Are you insane?" I snap, my hands shaking and my heartbeat increased. „It helped didn't it." Shawn smirks. „You know that I'm afraid of heights!" I say, glaring at him. „Oh come on, you think I would push you over the cliff or what?" he chuckles.

I know that he wouldn't but that almost gave me a heart attack. I roll my eyes, walking back to the others. „Hey are you really mad again?" Shawn asks, stopping me by grabbing my arm. „I'm not. You are the one who is mad." I state. „No I'm not." Shawn says, frowning.

„Why would I?" he asks. „Uh maybe because since yesterday you ignore me. Not that I mind though ." „I'm not ignoring you." he replies. „Then I guess everything's fine." I say, turning to walk. I don't get what he wants. Now it bothers him when I'm annoyed all of a sudden? Of course...

The next scene was at the coast where some stones are above the water so we could walk on them. „God watch out." I sigh, trying not to step into the besides the stones. „Afraid of water too?" he questions, splashing a bit onto me with his foot.

„No I'm not but it's cold if you noticed." I say, pulling my jacket closer. „So I shouldn't do that?" Shawn asks, grinning before he ducks down to splash water onto me again, more than before. „Stop it. What is your problem?" I grumble, wiping the drops of my face.

„You are fun to mess with." He says, starting to head towards the coast. „Oh really?" I ask, crossing my arms. Before he could get back I take some water splashing it over his head. „Oh my god." he breaths out, turning around.

„Cold right?" I question, not being able to hide a smile. At first he looks at me surprised but then he starts to kneel down again, so I run past him.

„We are even! Don't." I shout, feeling his arm around me. „I don't care." he says. „Shawn that's enough now!" I squeak, trying to wiggle out of his grip. „No- Woah!" I hear followed by a water splashing everywhere as I push him away from him.

„Ups." I mumble, turning to see Shawn sitting in the ice cold water. „Sorry." I chuckle. His hair sticking to his forehead now and his white T-shirt even more see through. Not bad... what? i'm still a girl after all.

„Don't worry. I'm not the only one who'll get wet." He smirks, standing up quickly. As I realize what he means it's already too late. „Shawn!" I shout feeling the water soak my clothes.

Breathing quickly I jump out of the water again. „You idiot." I mutter, starting to shake. „Hey you did it first." He replies, crossing his arms like a little child. „But not on purpose! You started with all of that." I say, walking back.

„Oh my god." I hear him say, as he follows me. „Are you happy if I say that I started it?" Shawn asks, walking besides me. „Hmm... yes." „Fine. I started. Happy now?"

„Yes." I say. „You are nerve wrecking." he mumbles but I still heard it. Believe me, you too. „I heard that." I say. „What now? Getting angry again?" he asks, raising his eyebrow. „Not if you just stop talking." I respond. He was about to say something as Grace comes towards us cutting him off.

„Babe you are gonna be sick! Are you serious?" she asks, glaring at me angrily. „It's not her fault. I started." Shawn winks, putting off his jacket. I shake my head, looking over to Ava who is grinning at me. What now?

„Shawn and Rose we are finished for today and tomorrow in the early morning we are off to Manchester." Andrew says, handing us a towel. „Andrew have you heard anything about my brother yet?" I ask. „Rose I'm sorry but no I haven't. Give it a bit more time." Andrew answers, smiling apologetically.

„Yeah okey." I say, following him to the others. „What is it?" I ask, raising my eyebrow as Ava approaches me smiling. „That wasn't in the script at all." she smirks, pointing at me and Shawn. „And?" „You seemed to get along pretty well." She says, nudging my arm.

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