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Man: Angel won't stay for long.... She will leave after her work is done...

Guy: What are you saying?? I don't understand...

Man: (smiles) You won't understand now, beta... You will understand it on the right time....


Girl: (cries) Why you are not understanding?? Whatever is happening now is just like what we are fearing about?? I can't stand if anything happens to her...

Girl2: Please don't lose your hope, bhabhi... We won't let anything bad to happen...


Girl: Do you know anything about Kalyani Mill's fire incident??

Man: (shocked) No... I don't know anything about it...

Girl: Don't lie... If you know them for many years, you must know about the incident too... Are you involved in that incident too?? (The man is shocked)


Guy: (holding his head) What is happening to me??

Girl: What's wrong with you??

Guy: I don't know... My head is spinning terribly... (Pointing towards the wall clock) The clock.... (Falls down and disappears from there)


Girl: What is wrong with you?? I'm noticing you since few days... I'm seeing you are talking alone... Are you okay??

Girl 2: I'm fine only and I'm not talking alone... You won't understand if I tell you...

Anyone can guess who are the characters in the above scenes??

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