Chapter Twenty-Two: A True Friend

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Last chapter till next week. Sorry, but I need to prepare for exams and sadly have no time for writing :( . I am also thinking of writing a new story message me if you'd be interested in giving me feedback on the first few paragraphs...

Okay so this chapter is still a bit sad, but I hope you like it.

I Would like to dedicate this chapter to @epichorn31 for finding the perfect song to accompany this ENTIRE chapter. The song is Someone to Save You by One Republic and is attached in the side bar or at the top of your screen... Also thanks for all the support @epichorn31. This girl read The Wish in its entirety in about 2 hours! Thanks again!



I saw Layton first as he stood in the doorway of the hospital room. He looked awestruck at the scene in front of him. He spent several moments looking just at Lucy and drawing circles over her body as his eyes jumped from machine to machine then scar to scar before finally landing on me and Camille.

There was a look of relief as he saw his girlfriend in my arms as salty oceans of tears were pouring out of her and onto my hoodie.

He rushed to her never once looking into my eyes.

" Camille, thank God. I thought I lost you."

She looked up to me then shifted In my lap to face him, "No,you didn't so you can go home." She hopped off of my lap and walked towards him. "I don't want any of you here, just leave."

I grabbed her wrist, "Cami, he's here to help. Calm down."

"No he's not none of you are!" She screamed. "Let me go."

"Cami...I-" he started.

"Just go." She said as she blocked the doorway holding him outside. "She's not dead. And don't talk like she is. That's my sister on that bed! My baby sister." She gestured towards the bed where Lucy remained motionless.

She shut the door on him. Then, placing her back to it she slid down the door to the floor as the nurse who had been working on Lucy watched on. She placed her face in in her hands and brought her knees to her chest.

"Darling, we're doing our best." The nurse said crouching down in front of her. "Your friends and family are here to help."

"Yeah, what lies are you gonna tell me next? I already got enough lies from my father." She said as she placed her face into her knees and cried.

The nurse came to me, "She trusts you and I can tell." She said.

It was the same nurse as earlier and she didn't stop at Lucy this time and instead came to me to unhook me from the machine. It was quite quick considering how long it took to hook me up.

"Is she always like this?" She asked me in a whisper.

I shook my head, "The last time she was here she got news that her mother was gone." I said.

"Such a shame. That girl of your has had such a hard lot in life." Shaking her head she returned to her work.

Finally unhooked from the machine I made my way to her side.

"Camille Leanne Braxton." I said as I sat beside her and wrapped my arm around her. I felt her body go tense, but remained where I was. "Don't be so hard on everyone, they just found out. Same as you."

"Don't call me that." She said, "I don't want you here either." She was shivering in the cold of the room. I removed my arm from around her back. Then, I undid the zipper on my jacket, placing it around her shoulders.

"Really?" I said, "You need to stop pushing us away. We're just trying to help you."



I pulled his jacket in closer immediately feeling a surge of warmth surrounding my cold body, as I continued contemplating what he had said.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" I said, my voice eerie and desperate even to my own ears. "That's what I do. I push people away."

I looked at him shocked as he once again bridged the gap between us by placing his arm around my shoulders.

"With all I've done I can't believe you haven't walked out of my life too."

"Hey. Hey. Hey." He said shaking his head and lifting my chin. I got a glimpse of his compassionate hazel eyes before I looked away."What kind of a friend would I be if I walked out on you when you needed me most?"

I shrugged. My mouth was dry and I had no more tears to cry. "I should be the one on that bed."

He looked at me eyebrows raised, "I would never want my girl to be laying there in that bed, when I can't get over her sister laying there."

I looked at him my mouth hanging open at the words 'my girl'. "What did you just call me?"

His face went beat red, "Camille, that's your name isn't it?"

I nodded.

"Now I want you to go out there to your boyfriend, who's probably still standing baffled in the hall, and I want you to apologize."

'Nice change of subject.' I thought, but instead said, "Who do you think you are?"

He laughed, "Do it for me?"


Okay so this may seem like a crazy question, but if you could come up with a theme song for any character in this story who would have the theme song and what song would it be???

Just curious cause I love music.

Also let me know what you thought of this chapter by commenting and voting as you please...

Once again thanks for being awesome

Groovygoat :)

Ps. This chapter is dedicated to @Star_Dust9906 for being my newest follower and just all around awesome.

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