Chapter Twenty Nine: Broken

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I think hidden deep in this chapter is some of the most honest and heartfelt advice someone could give Camille at this point.

I hope you like the wise comments from the adults in this story as much as I do...

Also, I'd like to thank @HisHooligan for being awesome and helping me a lot by inspiring me to shuffle Valerie (you know the most popular girl in school) back into the story, but with a twist. She also helped me with some dialogue. Valerie is inspired by her character Tatiana from her story Bruno's Babe.

Anyways enjoy!



I sat there long after they left before I managed to move myself to my desk. So many thoughts were gnawing at me.

'What if Quentin was telling the truth?' I thought, 'What if it was all some cruel joke? If it was some cruel joke, why?'

I sat at my desk opening the binder yet again. I sat my fingers atop the keys and thought as I moved them across them.

That's when it happened, in the middle of a fit of my tears, the typewriter broke. The keys started to jam, it started to shred at my paper, and the ribbon wouldn't feed through properly.

I panicked. There's no way I could simply solve this on my own, yet knowing that my mother, aunt, and Lucy weren't around made it that much harder.

I heaved the old piece of junk to the floor, where it landed with a loud crash.

"Stupid piece of junk!" I screamed at it. I screamed and yelled and cried and just when I could cry no more, I picked up my phone.

I searched through my contacts sure that I still had her number. Then I held the phone to my ear.

"Emma?" I asked as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Yeah, what do you need Cam." She said.

"Can you come over so I can have someone to talk to?"

"I'll be there in a few." She said before hanging up the phone.

I sat at the kitchen table with a fresh cup of hot chocolate as she entered the house. For once she was right on time.

"Oh my goodness." She said bustling over to me, "What do you wanna talk about?"

I shook my head, "I don't even know where to start."

I looked at her. I probably looked disastrous having cried and screamed about everything from my sister in the hospital to my two relationships that were tearing each other apart.

"How about you tell me what's bugging you and we'll work from there." She said placing a hand under my chin. "We'll get through it together. No matter what it is."

I shrugged, "Well for one my baby sister is lying awake and talking in a hospital bed and may or may not be home for Christmas." I said it like it was as normal as watching TV. I was too tired from crying to speak with any more emotion than necessary.

"I know darling. Your brother couldn't take it and broke down in the waiting room. He was the only one of us who was allowed in without your father's permission." She said.

I nodded. That's why Quentin, Abby, and Layton had been allowed back to ICU, my father had sent them back to calm me down.

"Speaking of Jordan... Is it true that you abducted him as a newborn babe to live with you and Jon?" I asked, my typewriter was broken, but that wouldn't stop me from getting answers.

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