Final Chapter

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*drumroll* This here is the final chapter of The Wish! *Intense clapping followed by much crying*

Thanks so much for all your support on this story... I hope that this Finale is FANTASTIC for you. I honestly can't thank you enough and if I write anymore here I will cry.



My phone dinged as Abby, Lucy, and I were reaching the midpoint of our film. I was glad Abby didn't hear. I quickly checked the message, though I knew before looking who it would be from.


I reread the message and placed my phone in my pocket. I had to confront him at some point about everything to do with Layton, and now was as good of a time as any.

I grabbed my sweater. "Abby?"

"Humph?" She said turning over on her half of my bed to face me.

"Dad just texted me." I lied. "He needs me to go out and run a quick errand for him."

I hated lying to her, but she sucked at keeping secrets.

Lucy looked at me, a suspicious look spread across her face.

Only Abby was blunt enough to say it. "We've been best friends for years. I know it's more than just and errand."

I sighed internally and shrugged.

"Need me to come with you?"

"No!" My voice went shrill. "Finish watching the movie I'll tell you about it when I get back."

They glared at me, "Promise?" They said in unison.

I nodded and headed out the door.

I waited till I was on the front porch to respond to his message.


I slowly made my way toward the cafe we frequented. I wasn't sure what would happen when I saw him, let alone what I would say and what he had to say to me. These thoughts swirled around in my mind; colliding, disappearing, reappearing, and all in all making me worry.

He was sitting at a table with two drinks when I walked in.

I made my way to the table hesitantly and took a seat across from him.

"Hi." I managed, fidgeting with my shirt buttons and avoiding his hazel eyes.

"Hey, how are you." He asked when our eyes finally met.

I looked down once again and I cringed at how, in a matter of only a few days, we had been reduced to small talk once again, when he was the boy I would come running to to tell all my secrets, hopes, and dreams. I knew him better than I knew myself and it took all I had to stop the tears from making an unwelcome appearance.

"I'm fine, I guess." I said only half audibly.

There was a long silence which came upon us like a dense fog. I continued inspecting the seam of my shirt as he pushed one of the drinks so it sat directly in front of me.

I shook my head suddenly and went to stand saying, "I'd better head out." I ignored the drink and instead indicated to the door I had come in only minutes prior.

"Don't-" he pleaded.

"Why? This silence between us is killing me." I grabbed my cup and stood up fully, placing my hand angrily on the table.

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