Chapter Thirty-One: Traditions Don't Die

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Hiya guys!

I'm home from England with a new chapter for you. I hope you like it. I still can't believe this story is almost over. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this for your enjoyment.



I walked down the hallway hesitantly as I approached my locker and similarly my boyfriend. I couldn't help, but take what Quentin said to heart whether truth or all lies.

I was quiet in thought when I finally got to opening my locker.

"Hey, Cupcake!" He exclaimed heading down the hall in my direction and I smiled shrugging off all of my thoughts from only moments before.

"Hi." I said as I dug around in my locker frantically searching for my pencil case.

"What's up?" He asked as he grabbed his books and locked his locker.

He stood back pressed against it as he watched me search.

"Looking for this?" He asked holding it up in his hands.

"Yeah." Was all I could say.

"Come on now." He said ushering me in the dieection of our homeroom class, "Or we're gonna be late.

The bell rang and we each took our seat I at the front and Layton in the next row and one desk behind me.

I heard Valerie's perky voice come on the P.A. system overhead and felt a smile play on my lips as I was reminded of the chat we had last night, but the smile faded to a scowl again as the announcements came to an end.

I sat there absentmindedly as my teacher did role call.

I was doodling in my book when a paper landed neatly on my desk I moved it aside and continued my mindless doodles.

My phone dinged and I tried my best to hide it as I checked the message.

You okay?

It was from Valerie. I didn't respond I just kept on doodling until my name was called.

"Camille?" I looked up at the teacher.

"Present." I said. The teacher looked down at her clipboard as she continued down the list.

I opened the note.

Are you alright? I worry about you.

We can get coffee after school and talk if you want.


I pulled my phone out once again to send him a message, but it was quickly snatched from my hands and put on the teacher's desk.

I looked back at Layton and gave him a thumbs up.

"Let this be a warning once again that I do NOT accept phones out in my classroom." The teacher stated loudly.

I groaned and rested my head in my hand leaning on my elbow as I began copying down the note off the board.

The entire day passed by slowly, but finally lunch approached. I walked up to my usual table and instead of sitting in silence I invited Val to join me.

"Thanks again." I said as she sat beside me eating a Jello cup.

She shrugged swallowing the Jello that she was eating before responding, "Not a problem. I mean what are friends for."

I grinned as I suddenly realized that Emma was right.

_______ After School______________

I met Layton after school. He grasped my hand and looked at me with worry.

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