Chapter Thirty-Three: Why Do You Care?

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I know some of you may be happy to know that LUCY IS BACK!!! OMG!!! Hopefully this chapter is still good after the very eventful last chapter. This one is a bit dull, but you'll have to read till the end for me. :)

Oh yeah, the song in this chapter is "Must Be Doing Something Right" by Billy Currington.

Also my best Wattpad buddy @HuddleMonkey's birthday is approaching in September and it would mean the world to me and her if you would read her story "What Rhymes With Desperate" and vote, comment, and whatever else. Think of this as my b-day gift to her...

As alway thanks for reading



"Excuse my language, but where the hell is she?" I asked becoming increasingly annoyed with my 'supposed' best friend.

Abby shrugged, "I know just as much as you."

I looked at her and it didn't take me more than three seconds to know she was lying.

"That's bull and you know it!" I said raising my tone ever so slightly, "Goddamn it! Just tell me where she is and why she has missed two days of school."

Abby spun around to face me and whispered, "Stop it Quen you're making a scene." Then in a more audible tone she looked at me with a gaze that held my eyes and said, "Since when do you care?"

I wasn't sure why in the moment, but those words stung a lot. Still, I was determined to figure out the truth.



Layton looked at me his eyes showing their usual compassion as he ran his fingers through my red hair, "I love you" he said as he kissed me. But something was off.

"Camille." My brother said as he ran a hand along my back and woke me from my dream and into the harsh reality of my life. He sat on the bed beside me as I sat up under the covers. My face was tear-streaked and I knew that my makeup from last night still remained stained to my face. On top of all that I was trembling like mad.

I heard Sasha's persistent whimpering from where she sat at my feet, gazing up at me with her intense and loving little eyes.

I heard my voice weak and raspy from all the screaming and crying I'd done. "Go away." I said.

He didn't move, but instead sat there running an arm around my back and pulling me into him. My body continued to tremble as I fell rigidly into his embrace. "I know you're upset." He said.

'No duh!' I thought giving him a look, which he ignored in favour of continuing his speel.

"Hell as soon as we were out of your sight I went to go at the kid. I would've beaten the crap out of him if dad hadn't of grabbed me." He said, still rambling.

I shrugged as a small, weak smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I don't know why but the thought of my scrawny 12 year old brother beating someone up, especially the 'captain of the football team', was enough to brighten my mood for a split second.

"He's not worth your time." I said as more tears slipped down my cheeks.

Sasha's small body curled up closer to my chest.

My mind was a muddled mess as I sat there wrapped in the arms of my over-protective little brother. 'He used you.', 'You were just one of his pawns.', 'He never liked you', and many other thoughts were playing in my head with every thought of Layton or the night before.

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