Chapter One: That Patient

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I laid awake in my bed unable to think, let alone sleep. Argh! It seemed to be an ongoing problem.

I went to my desk and turned on the lamp above, then I began to flip through the book till I got to February 1, 2004. That's when I began to read. For each day in the book there was two typed pages a diary entry from her day and an entry of what she could remember that day. For most days there was also a note from Emma, her therapist and a good family friend, as well and notes from my father.

That Patient
Monday,February 1, 2004
Emma's Office


I began typing frantically my fingers speeding across the keys. I felt relief as I looked at the page. I knew I had to sort out the story. It's what she would've wanted. I read through copying pieces from the pages of everyone for that day and determining what the true story was as I typed it out.

It was almost 4 o'clock and the session seemed to be going well. Brenda could talk confidently about her marriage, honeymoon, and her first house, but for some reason Emma just couldn't focus. She stared blankly at Brenda as she relayed the information she'd heard so many times.

Emma rubbed her temples and played with her hair in an attempt to keep herself awake. She picked up her pen and began to doodle on the paper in front of her.

I looked at the next page. I hadn't noticed this page before, and read it through before typing it. I figured it may be important to include why Emma was so preoccupied.

Emma couldn't stop thinking about him.

He was the most handsome man she'd ever seen. He had tanned skin which was opposite to her pale rose complexion, long and straight jet black hair that he wore back in a ponytail, a black goatee, and hazel eyes.

Shedidn't know what he had seen in her. She was plump, short and, well completely different from all the skinny girls that chased him. He could have had any girl he wanted, but he chose her. She did have two things going for her though, her curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes.

I added the rest in behind my paper so that it was authentic. I had to read through it one last time before I placed it down though. It was a journal entry written by Emma.

I remembered the night it happened. He had me held up against the wall with one hand over each side of my body and his elbows resting gently on my shoulders. His palms pressed into the wall. I let my hands rest gently on his tattooed chest.

He had gotten a rose done on his chest before we met to commemorate his mother's fight against cancer. I personally hated tattoos and couldn't think of an appropriate reason for anyone to have one. 'They're dirty' was my thought.

He kissed me tenderly at first then gradually deeper. I kissed him back, though I was preoccupied thinking of everything, but what was happening.

He pulled away and took a deep breath before stating, "Why have you been so distant lately? It's like our relationship does nothing for you."

He looked into my eyes with grave worry. 'It's my job to worry' I thought to myself.

That's one thing that I loved about him. The way he could calm me down so fast through a simple, yet compassionate glance.The way he looked past my appearance to who I really was, and the way he saw people. Some days I thought he should've become a therapist instead of me, then we would still be together. He had life all planned out without even a sentence writen as a blueprint, where as I relied on others to take me with on my own life adventures. He just seemed too perfect to ever want a misinterpretted girl like me, but that was the thing. He adored me with a strange passion that I did not understand and he understood my scrambled thoughts more than I did myself.

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