„Before you start to cry. What do you wanna talk about?" I ask, leaning my head onto my hand. „I don't know... What's your favourite color?" he questions. „Seriously?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. „Yeah. The little things are important." he answers, smiling a little. „Red but not dark red. More like the red of a sunset. What about you?" I ask.

Before he could answer the waitress from yesterday appears. „Pancakes ?" she asks, smiling at me. „Not today." I say, returning the smile. „Not today. The toast with fruits and chocolate milk please." I say. „The same."

Shawn says, as she looks at him. „Of course." the waitress smiles, heading away with the orders. „Very creative." I state. „What? Maybe I was thinking about ordering that from the start." he replies, shrugging. „Of course." I say, trying to sound as enthusiastic as the waitress.

Shawn chuckles, shaking his head. „You should do that more often." „What?" I ask, confused. „Imitating positive people. Maybe it has an affect on you sometime." he says. I know that he tries to get me angry, because ‚I'm easy to annoy.' „You should try keeping your mouth shut more often." I mutter, causing him to grin.

„You are so sweet baby." Shawn says. I look up at him, noticing two girls approaching us in the corner of my eyes. „Always." I smile, as he takes my hand. This is actually ridiculous. „I'm impressed by your acting skills." he whispers, followed by a chuckle.

„Hey guys. How are you?" He asks the twos girls. „Hey Shawn. Uh... sorry if we are disturbing." „No no, don't worry." he says, standing up to take a picture with the first girl but she just wraps her arms around him. I just watch them, having to smile a bit.

It's surprisingly cute how nice he is to his fans. „Uhm... I have a question. Why would you want everyone to know about your live. I mean I wouldn't want everyone to know that I'm depressed because my parents died." the second girl suddenly asks, taking me by surprise.

What? How does she know? I could feel Shawn's gaze on me while he's still talking. Great. Now he knows even more about me. I don't know why but I don't want anyone to know that. My biggest problem is already in the media, that's enough.

But seriously you don't ask stranger something like that. „I don't think this is your business.So just take your photo and leave." I snap, sounding harsher than I wanted to. „I just asked. No need to get offensive you-." „Do you also want a picture?" Shawn asks, stepping in front of her.

„Wait a moment Shawn. Don't cut her off. So what did you want to say you little brat?" I question smiling sweetly. „Rose. Stop and sit back down please." Shawn says, grabbing my shoulder lightly.

„You don't tell me what to do." I say, pointing my finger at him. „Yes I am telling you what to do." he warns, motioning to the table. I press my lips together, remembering what he said.

He could send me home any moment, so I guess I have to shut up. „I'm sorry about that. She's a bit exhausted today." Shawn explains, while I sit down crossing my arms.

After Shawn calmed this stupid little girl down, he sits on the chair again. „Was that really necessary?" If it was necessary? Of course! Why would I let a 15 year old talk about my private life. I really start to think that everyone I meet s like that. Can't they manage their lives instead of interfering in other persons ones.

„Children like her should just keep her mouth shut, so yes it was necessary." I say, keeping my gaze out of the window. „Oh and you are much older right? And you behave differently than her?" Shawn asks, chuckling. „I'm 17 and yes." I snap, looking at him angrily. „Listen, I understand you.

The girl asked something she shouldn't just ask someone but I'm sure she didn't mean to make you angry. Rose, fans are like that. I sometimes really think they know more about me than myself but that's fine because they always support me."

Shawn says, making me look at him. „How sweet. Write a song about it." I say, rolling my eyes. „You know what. I'm not even gonna try anymore." he grumbles, leaning back. Perfect! We sit there in silence until the food arrives. I poke around in the food, not being really hungry anymore.

„Eat something. We are gonna start to film the music video today." Shawn says, typing on his phone. "Great." I say, muting the ringtone of my phone.

„Ignoring the boyfriend?" Shawn asks, raising his eyebrows amused. "First of all he's my best friend not boyfriend and I just don't want to talk right now."

„I see." He shrugs. "Is it true?" Shawn questions. „What?" „You parents-„ „I don't know why that's your business." I reply, impaling a strawberry with my fork.

I sigh, seeing the screen of my phone, which lays on the table, light up for the tenth time now. Carter keeps trying to call and message me.

Until My Last BreathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant