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"Someone," Henry corrected him. "Her name is Emma. She's my mom, and she was put there by the Queen." Henry handed him a map to to location.

"Well then, I'm sorry for you. But even it wanted to, I can't help you."

Henry's eyes widened. "Why? You're a captain! Can't you take your ship wherever you want?"

Suddenly, another pirate walked on board, barking with laughter. "A captain? Is that who he says he is? I thought I told you to be done swabbing the decks when I reutrn."

Hook's gaze fell to his feet. "Sorry, Captain Black Beard."

Henry looked from Hook and to Black Beard the pirate in shock. "Wait, he's the captain?"

"Indeed." Black Beard had a smug look on his face as he stared at Henry. "Unless deckhand Hook wants to keep playing pretend. What do you say, Hook?" He draws his sword. "Beat me, and the Jolly Roger is yours. Or are you still a one-handed coward."

Henry stared at Hook, waiting the fearless pirate to unshesth a sword and fight for his most prized possession, but instead Hook only gave a frightened look and ran off to clean the decks.

Henry walked after him in disbelief. "What are you doing? Stand up to him! You can beat him!"

"I'm afraid you don't know me very well. I'm sorry. I can't help you."

Henry gave a frustrated groan before turning away from him. He picked up a sword and walked across the deck, cutting a rope. "Then I'll have to help you"

Hook watched in shock as the rope the young lad had cut down a weight which then knocked Black Beard unconscious. "What the bloody hell are you doing?!"

"Getting you your ship back," Henry said, as if it wasn't already obvious. "Come on, let's dump Black Beard and go."

"You think it's that easy? I can't sail the Jolly Roger alone."

"I can help."

"How do you know how to sail a ship?" Hook questioned as the pair struggled to lift Black Beards body.

"I had a great teacher," Henry replied with a smirk. "You."

Much to Henry's surprise, it didn't take them long to sail to the Bottonless Sea where soon a tower appeared in the telescope Henry held to his right eye. He couldn't help the relieved smile that pulled into his face.

"Look!" Hook moved toward him and peered through the telescope. His blue eyes found the tower, and solider of the Queen standing guard. "We found it!"

"There's a Black Knight standing guard," Hook stated.

"Only one. We can take him out."

"Well, perhaps you haven't noticed, but I'm a deckhand, not a soldier."

Henry but his lip as he thought of a quick plan, he was always good at thinking on his feet. "Then maybe we don't need to fight," he said after a few moments.

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