"What she said." Luke says through a mouthful of froot loops.

"Your friends are weird." I say to Calum before dropping my spoon in the sink.

"They're your friends too." Calum points out cheekily. I roll my eyes at him before smiling. He was right they were just as much my friends as they were his.

"You two coming out tonight?" Luke asks.

"It is Friday isn't it?" I beam happily.

It was a tradition for us to all do something together as a group every Friday. Whether it was going out for dinner, having a movie night,going bowling or even clubbing. It was our 'thing' and I knew it was something that we all always looked forward too.

"Right." Michael chuckles. "Well Ashton thought we could get dinner then clean up here and go out for some drinks." Michael informs us.

"Sounds good to me." I shrug with a smile, I knew that it would turn out to be a good night no matter what we did.

"Cal?" Michael turns his attention to Calum who was currently munching on a apple.

"You know me, I'm down for anything." He says taking another bite of his apple.

"Sweet I'll let him know." Michael grabs his phone out of his pocket and starts typing away. I'm guessing he was gonna let Ashton know right now.

I look over to Calum who has a very suspicious smirk on his lips. I frown at him in confusion but understand exactly what he means when he turns his gaze to Michael.

"Hey Michael I have a question for you." Calum grins.

"Shoot." Michael replies but keeps his eyes on his phone screen.

"Does.." Calum starts but I interrupt him. "You're a dick." I huff at Calum who shoots me his innocent puppy face. "I told you last night that Michael doesn't know shit."

"Hey!" Michael protests looking up from his phone. "I do too."

"Not about this you don't." I tell him and he shrugs before looking back down at his phone.

"What are you two going on about?" Luke suddenly asks looking between Calum and I.

"Nothing." Calum answers looking beyond amused.

"You bet your ass it's nothing." I poke my tongue out at Calum making him chuckle. "I need to get ready for work so I will see you losers later." I tell them before leaving the kitchen and heading for the bathroom.


"Ready for tonight?" I asked Aria as she finished wiping down one of the tables.

"You know it!" She winks making me chuckle.

"Should we close up now?" I ask looking around the now empty Cafe. Yes I worked at a cafe, but it wasn't just any cafe.

It was in fact Aria's cafe that she opened all by herself. Aria's mum died when she was only thirteen and her mother owned her own cafe that got demolished only a year after she died so Aria always planned to open one in her memory after high school which is exactly what she did.

"Yeah it's about that time." Aria looks at her watch before letting out a sigh. "I swear this place is only getting busier."

"It is." I smile as I start turning off lights.

"Do you think I should look at hiring more people?" She asks me.

"It wouldn't hurt." I shrug. I wasn't surprised at how well cafe was doing, It had good food, great coffee and the most warm and family friendly atmosphere ever.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now