Protecting time

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Sahara's pov
When I saw the school building, I also saw a limo. On the side of the limo was a picture of chaos, my eyes grew. I stopped moving out of fear.

"What is it Sahara?" Nagisa asked.

"I'm going back to the cliff, it will be less painful to die that way." I turned around out of fear, but before I could go anywhere I felt someone pick me up.

I turned my head and growled at Karma.

"What's wrong, are you mad?" He gave me a mocking tone.

"Yes, now put me down!" I yelled and karma did as I told him. "I'd rather die from the cliff than face the horror that's in that building."

"What do you mean?" Kayano asked.

"See that limo?" I pointed to the limo, they all nodded. "Well I know who came in the limo. And let me just say they won't be happy."

"It can't be that bad, now come on Sahara." This time it was Koro-Sensei that picked me up and carried me in the school.

I tried my best to get out of his grip but I knew it would never happen.

"They're going to kill us! I can't die, we haven't kissed a boy yet!" Hana yelled in my head.

"Just except it. It's not like we can get out of this punishment." Ashley said.

When we reached the classroom I had given up on my struggles to escape.

We entered the room and a saw a woman sitting on the desk. There were two women next to her, one with dark purples hair and one with dirty blonde hair. The one sitting on the desk had slick black hair, she wore a black skirt with a while and black shirt. She looked at me with a look that would scare anyone.

"There you are Sahara." The woman got up off the desk as Koro-sensei put me down.

"H-hi Yuki, Venom, Hawkeye. What are you doing here?" My voice quivered.

Venom and Yuki sighed. "We're here to pick you up. Now come on." Venom said as she and Hawkeye walked out of the room.

"Come on Sahara," Yuki leaned down to my ear. "I'm not here because of what you did. I know how hard it's been on you. I'm here because He's back at the house and is asking for you." I gave her a look of fear. "Don't worry the boys are already at home."

She stood back up and grabbed my hand. But before we could leave Koro-Sensei stopped Yuki. When I looked up I saw him wearing his human disguise, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry miss, I'm Sahara's teacher and you are taking her out of class for what reason?"

"I'm Sahara's sister, Yukio Loki. I'm taking her home because we have some family business to take care of."

"Another man killer, great. Maybe she'll fix whatever's wrong with the first one." I heard Terasaka say smuggly. But this time I was the one smirking because I saw the look in my sister's eyes.

Yuki turned around and faced Terasaka. Her eyes may of looked normal to others, but I knew that she was angry at him.

"Huh, did I hear that right?" She gestured to Terasaka. "What did you just say about my sister?"

He didn't get the hint to stand down against her. "I said maybe you'll fix whatever's wrong with her." He stood up from his desk.

"That's what I thought you said. Sahara you can head out to the car, I think I need to have a little chat with your classmate here." Before I could move I saw Yuki move as fast as she could to where Terasaka stood.

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