I'm Broken Time

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Chapter Four
Sahara's pov

    I had a giant smile on my face, as I gripped my school jacket.

    "I can't believe I have friends.I haven't had friends for a long time. I hope I can make more friends, or maybe something even more than a friend. But I can't let them know I'm the daughter of assassins and have other problems. They might think I'm a psycho if I tell them that. " I looked up and seen my house, well more like mansion.

    "I know I'm so excited!" A voice in me head squealed in excitement.

    "We didn't join the class to make friends, we have an objective to do. And don't think about taking over just to get close to people we'll never get close to. Do you understand Hana?" Another voice in my head asked.

    "What do you mean never get close to, they are all so nice. Even Sahara likes them, they're our friends..." The first voice started.

    "Friends? They will just betray us like all the others." The second voice response.

    "Will you lighten up, that was one time."

    "But it still hurt Sahara."

    "People can change."

    "What are you talking about? That's just something people say to make themselves feel better!"

    "Come on Ashley, please for Sahara," I sighed at the two voice bickering like they usually did. I gripped my head as a pain started to appear like it usually did when they bickered.

    "Will you two stop bickering; Ashley give them a chance they might surprise you. Hana please don't use me as a way to get what you want, also don't take control so you can try and hit on boys. Got it?" I asked the two.

    "Fine."They both said at the same time.

    "Good, now no bickering you two gave me a headache."

Now you're probably wondering what's going on, well... I have a thing that's called dissociative identity disorder, which means I have other personalities. When I was little Ashley and Hana just appeared one day, they're my other personalities but they can be really annoying.

Ashley is the one that knows how to kill people, is great at school, and wants to keep me safe. Hana is the one that can act, she is more of a girly-girl, she's better at talking to people, but she is kinda a tsundere. They both can take control of my body if I want them to, I need them to, or they just really want to. When Ashley is in control my eyes change to a darker red, and when Hana is in control my eyes shift to a light red.

    "You know you're going to look like a psycho is you keep talking to yourself like that." I heard a smug voice say.

    I turned my head and seen Torch. He's an assassin in The Gods of Misfortune, I've known him for my whole life. He became part gang when he was five after he burnt down his childhood home, killing his parents in the process. He was accused of murder and arrison, but the chargers were dropped and somehow he ended up joining. He only uses explosive and flames. But he knows everything about those topics. That's why he is called Torch,  he can torch almost any building.

He has orange and red hair, he's just twenty, always wears a black leather  jacket, black shirt, and black jeans. I swear if he was anymore emo he'd have eyeliner and a black fringe.

    "What do you want Emo?" I asked smirking.

    "I told you I'm not Emo!" He shouted like he was a five year old.

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