Memory time

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Sahara's pov

    As I was falling, everything around  me started to move in slow motion. The wind felt so calming as it rushed through my hair. I could see Nagisa and Kayano looking down at me, with worried and shocked faces. Karma looked down at me and just smirked.

    Anger boiled up in my veins. His smirk made me want to kill him. Of all the times to be smirking, now definitely wasn't one of those times. But I guess I had better things to be thinking about, than Karma's annoying smirk.

My vision started to become hazy as I started to see my life flash before my eyes. The things I could clearly see were two parts of my life that hurt the most. The times I almost died.



    It was a cool morning, and I sat the ground reading a story book my mom had just bought me. The ground was still slightly damp from it raining the night before. My long black hair put into two little twintails. A small green raincoat slick from the drops of rain, coming from the cherry blossom tree I sat under.

    "Hey." I looked up and saw two men that looked like they wanted to kill someone.

"What's are you doing little girl." The one on the left had blonde hair and dead green eyes.

    "Um." I didn't know how to reply.

    The other man had dark black hair and a scar that when across his neck. He had dark brown eyes were almost black.

    "She's a pretty one, could go for a lot." The one with black hair said.

    "You're right. And she's all alone, just perfect."

Knowing something was wrong with this, I quickly got up and started to run away. I tried to run to the door, but when my foot hit a mud mit I fell on my face. I tried to get up, while trying one of the men grabbed the me by my head. He lifted me up to his eye level and looked me in my red eyes. I shivered out of fear and the chill in the air.

"Let's go." He said with an evil smirk. I tried struggled in his grip, but it was pointless.

He carried my to a van and throw me in the back. I landed in the van on my head, I could feel the cold metal below me. I tried to get up; but I couldn't. A pain shot through my body resonating from my head. The impact my head made to the floor incurred a slight concussion.

My little body felt heavy, and my vision started to blur. The last thing I saw before I blacked out, was the cherry blossom tree blowing in the cold summer breeze.

The next thing I knew, I was laying on a cot in a small cell. I slowly got up; I gripped my head out of pain. One light bulb hung from the ceiling, there were three solid brick walls. A set of metal cell bars to small for my to escape from was to my left.

"Where am I?" I croaked out.

I heard footsteps approach my cell. I saw the man with the scar across his neck, and his smirk made me shiver out of fear.

"Hey, the girl's awake." The man said over his shoulder, the other man came into my vision.

"You're right. Should we have some fun with her? The boss shouldn't get here for another day." He said.

Both the men smirked, one unlocked my cell while the other pulled out a knife. I slowly walked back, when my back hit the wall, I sat down on the floor. Tears started to flow down my face. I was so scared of what they were going to do to me.

The one with the knife picked me up by the collar of my rain jacket. He started to carry me to another room. As he carried me, I cried out in fear. Then when we entered the room he tossed me on the ground, and got behind me. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. I wiped my tears and tried to calm my breathing.

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