Chapter 17 (Continued)

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~Calums pov~

As soon as Ashton stopped the car I jumped out and sprinted as fast as my legs would allow me to go into the front doors of this hospital. 

"Luke.. Hemmings. I Need.. to see him, right now." When i reach the desk I'm completely out of breathe and desperate to get any information on how he was doing. 

"Are you family?" The women behind the desk looks up at me slowly and looks back down at her computer. 

"No but I'm his fiance and that's the closet to his family you're going to find in under 50,000 miles so just let me fucking see him" Ashton and Michael run up behind me and motion to the lady to let us all in but she just looks away.

"Sir, you're going to need to calm down before I can let you back there. Hes in intensive care and doesn't need excitement.".   

"Calum shes right, you know how worried Luke gets when you're upset." Michael puts his hand on my shoulder lightly, petting my back with his thumb, slowly.

"Okay well, I'm going to need your names before I can let you back. Mr.Hemmings is in room 392 down the intensive care wing." The lady doesn't look up at us, acting rather annoyed.

This is Calum Hood, Im Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford"  Ash moves Michael and I towards the closed doors leading to the wing where Luke was as he talks. The door pops open. I brake away from Ashtons arm and run down the hallway scanning the room numbers for 392, ignoring the nurses yelling at me to only walk. 

388.. 389.. My heart is racing, getting closer and closer to him. 390.. 391... I stop right before the door to his room, waiting for Ashton and Michael to catch up behind me. They walk up right besides me and slightly nudge me towards the door handle. I take a step forward and look back at them before I walk in, Ash and Michael both give me a warm genuine smile, reassuring me. 

"Do you want us to wait out here for a mintue? Just so you can talk to him first." Michael takes a step back and Ashton follows, trying there best to give me space. I nod quickly and proceed to open the door into the small room. 

Inside his room was dark and warm, there was a nurse sitting by his bed and the only sound was the sound of a heart montionor. It seemed to be beating much too slow for him to be alright, but who was I to say if he was going to be okay? The nurse stands up and walks over to me rather quickly, she didn't look very pleased to be here. It seemed like no one in the hospital where overly chipper.

"Are you his brother?" The nurse keeps coming closer and closer to me, like she was trying to push me out of the room. 

"Do I look like his fucking brother." I try to nicely push her out of the way just to get a glimpse of him.

"Well.. no but im recurred to ask." She moves back into my line of vision, blocking him again. "How are you related?"

"We- Im his feance, could I just see him?" I walk around her while Im talking but she jumps infrount of me again. 

"I dont know, hes in bad shape. You see, he lost a ton of blood and is having a hard time getting oxogyn. Mr. Hemmings doesnt need any exctment, so if seeing you will make his heart race then you cant be in here right now." She still blocks complete vision of him from me, all I really want is just to see his face and know hes not badly beat up.

"I have 2 other people with me, they're both outside the door, if something goes bad please tell them to come in and everything will be alright. I promise I'll keep him calm." I was done being nice with her and just push her out of the way, dragging myself over to his bed. Luke was completely out, but he looked so peaceful. He had the small oxogyn tubes in his nose and lots of things sticking into his arms. "Excuse me, ma'am, do you think I could talk to his doctor?" 

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