Chapter 4

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~Calums pov~

"Luke..? Luke please wake up" I'm kneeling next to him trying to shake him awake, tears where streaming down my face. if i knew he was this sick i would have taken him to the hospital forever ago! should we now..? or did he just fall..? Ashton and Michael didn't seem to be to worried.. they where both behind me, Ashton's hand was on my shoulder. tightening his grip every few seconds then releasing the pressure. i turned around a look at Michael and ash, they where both looking at there feet. i stair blankly at them for a minute or two until Michael looks down at me. he looks at me as if he was about to cry. i feel really bad, i couldn't comfort them. i could barley tell myself it was gonna be okay. i didn't know if it was or not at this point.

"hes gonna be okay you know that right.." Michael sat down facing me and pulled my hand away from Luke's side. i wipe my hand down my face and shut my eyes for a brief second. 

"no no i really don't" i say moving a little closer to Luke. Michael looks to Ashton and shrugs. i knew what they where thinking: "why is he so upset, this isn't a big deal, he fine stop being so dramatic" i dont care hes my best friend and i, i love him i guess..

"can we just like move him to a better place or something..." i slowly stand up looking at them both. i couldn't stand seeing him just laying there helpless.

"d-don't hurt him" i say and bend down and gently pick up his head and shoulders. Ashton shyly picks up his legs, dropping them a little at first. when ash lifts them up, i suddenly felt really weak. i drop to my knees. Michael immediately jolts over and catches my arms.

"thanks.. michael.." i look down, how could i drop him.. i slid down a wall, i watch Ashton and Michael carry him over to my bed and set him down. how did i let this happen. we've done this before at home, and nothing like this happened at all..

"calum, when was the last time you two ate?" ash walks over and sits next to me.

"dunno.. we were gonna go out last night but we uh cra-crashed" i said, looking over at Luke.

"cal you realize that's why he passed out. its not your fault" Ashton puts his hand on my arm "he was throwing up all day and he hadn't eaten"

" but if we didn't start drinking in the first place he would have eaten and wouldn't have passed out and you know its my fault its my fault its just all my fa-" Ashton cut me off int the middle of my sentience

"Calum! don't be so hard on yourself! its could happen to anyone, Luke wont be mad don't worry about it" Ashton stands up and walks over to Michael. i didn't think about that.. what if Luke is mad at me...

"calum?" Michael comes over and stands in front of me. "maybe you should get some rest." Michael offers his hand to help me up, i look up at him and push his hand away. fighting to stand up on my own. 

"i want to stay awake if Luke wakes up.." i pull myself up, and lean against the wall.

"we'll will stay up don't worry. go up to Luke's bunk, i'll help you up." Michael says and pushes me over to the beds. "he probably wont wake up till morning anyways.." he stands behind me just in case i fall back. i pull myself up, and look back at Luke.

"watch him" i said, looking at ash and michael, seriously.

~lukes pov~

i slowly open my eyes. wincing in pain.

"what the fuck.." i look around, i have no clue where i am honestly.. my head hurts more than before, and my ribs hurt like crazy..

" c-calum?" i sit up quick looking around nervously.

"Luke lay down don't get up to quick" Ashton comes over to me and pushes me back down. i try to fight him but am way to weak.

"Ashton..?" i push his hand off my chest and look up at him. "whats going on wheres calums where am i..?"

"Calums asleep, don't wake him up. it took him forever to actually sleep, you're on the tour bus lukey were on tour, remember " Ashton laughs a little, pushing the hair off my face.

"but i need to talk to calum. something happend i need to talk to him please wake him up" i sit up and am suddenly completely stressed out again. Ashton sits down next to me, and looks confused.

"...what happened between you and him" Ashton looks at me a little worried. oh shit did i really just say that?

"m-my head hurts" i say and put my hand on my head laying back down. Ashton stands up and calls Michael over.

"oh Luke you're awake!" Michael walks up and smiles big at me. i shut my eyes and wince in pain, cover my face with my hands.

"i think we should get him some water or something" ashton says to michael without looking away from me. "luke are you hungry?" ash kneels down next to me

"no not really.. i wanna go back to bed" i cross my arms over my chest and shut my eyes.

"thats the reason you passed out you havent eaten in forever!" michael says then sits next to me.

i grab my phone from my pocket and ashton takes it away "twitter? no eat something, please . if you get hate you re gonna get more stressed. ." ashton is defiantly the mom of the band.. 

"ash its fine i want to let them know im okay" i look up at ashton trying to look as pathetic as possible. he walks over to the bathroom to get some water.

"drink" he forces the cup into my hand

"no ashton, stop" i set it down on the ground, trying to sit up. "fuck" i say quietly squeezing my eyes. i fall back down on my back, i lift up my shirt revealing a huge ass bruise.

"what the actual fuck, wh-how did that even happen" michael presses on the bruise slightly, just to see my reaction. i slap his hand away and quickly roll down my shirt again.

"dick.." i say under my breathe. i just need calum why did he have to sleep right now. i pull my shirt back down pushing away michaels hand

"go away both of you just leave." i turn on my other side and squeeze my eyes shut, ashton stands up from the floor and hesitates before leaving where i was. 

 i turn over onto my back again and put my hand on my forehead. all the blankets and pillows smell like calum, it was really comforting honestly..

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