"Lets get the queen to be ready." Laughed one of them and I stared in awe. "Where is Hannah?' Was all I could manage to get out before I was swamped by a few too many hands. "Lets get you in the hands of the professionals." Someone whispered and I could only see hands pulling and prodding me. I was so nervous that I don't even remember what happened next. Some one did my hair, my face, my nails and then someone put my wedding dress over my head. That moment was purely magical. Everyone gasped and starred at me, every eye wet and every face smiling as if I was some sort of Goddess. They wouldn't let me see myself and I really had no idea about anything. But judging by their expression, it was beautiful.

I felt like a fairy tale princess, floating in white. The diamond-ettes on the dress sparkled as I put my white shoes on. They too had pretty little stones on them. Finally Hannah got two boxes next to me and everyone but the dressers stood next to me as the others backed away, giving us space. She took out my veil and tiara and I nearly cried. It was Hannah's own veil. just as she had promised me. It was so simple and pretty, matching my dress and made by Hannah herself. I really felt as if my own mother wouldn't have been able to do half of what Hannah had. Reverently she placed the veil on my head, the soft lace covered my face as the dressers began attaching it, fixing it with the tiara. It was filled with minuscule diamond-ettes as well and its borders was the prettiest hand made lace I had ever seen. As it touched my face, I felt as if a tiny child was touching me, so soft was the muslin, so delicate and elegant. A little blue stoned clip was attached to my bun just before the veil was finally secured with white roses to the edge of my chignon. 

She opened another box and pulled out jewels. Diamonds and rubies set in platinum. Everyone gasped at the sheer magnificance of it. The simply elegent design of the tear drop earings set off my dress and I really felt like a queen on her wedding dress. Hannah then attached a broach to the left corner of my dress. The rubies and diamonds designed in the shape of a pretty little butterfly looked so cute and pretty. Then came the simple necklace. Its simplicity just a mark of its grace, simple stones and rubies alternated in a clasp like holding made of the most beautiful carvings in platinum. It was so heavy, yet warm, like it was made for me. 

"It belongs to Sam's mother, he wants you to have it Amy," She whispered and I nodded. God what a man. I smiled as they all looked approvingly at me. "Lets get her to ready people. The guests have arrived." Emily yelled as she walked into the room and stopped short as her gaze fell on me. She starred with her mouth hanging open and her eyes popping out."You look gorgeous Amara." Was all she could croak out before her cell rang and broke the spell.

She answered it and giggled. "Its time to go princess, your carriage awaits you." She said and I suddenly felt as if all my nerves had stopped. My tummy was doing a tango and I was so sure that I would faint as soon as I took a step forward.

"Hannah came forward and gave me a tight hug. Then everyone swamped over me, all one nodded. They hugging me tight as they had tears in their eyes. "IT will be beautiful Amy." One of dressers whispered and everyone nodded in agreement as they tried to salvage their makeup from run away tears. Hannah guided me to the door as the bridesmaids followed me. She first stopped in front of the full length mirror and I starred at the reflection of perhaps the most beautiful women I had ever seen. It was such a pretty sight. A queen, regal and graceful and beautiful starred back with dreams in her eyes and hopes in her smile. She was enveloped in love and looked impatient and stately, if both together were possible. She couldn't wait to meet her king and yet she wanted to make him wait. I stood and smiled at her, silently wishing her every happiness possible. 

How could someone be this beautiful? I questioned. Surely it was the love and the dreams because no beautician had the power to make someone this gorgeous, right. Hannah slowly dragged me to the door and opened it. I heard two collective gasps that broke my thoughts and I looked to see two men, handsome men starring at me with their mouths hanging open, perhaps already reaching their knees.

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